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Comments 37

gbsteve July 21 2010, 13:23:13 UTC
An audacious post, praiseworthy in its efforts and majestic in scope. Bitchin'!


adrienne_j July 21 2010, 13:25:41 UTC
Oh! I tried to do this a couple of years ago, and it found it very hard. I think I have cut back, but I definitely haven't elminated it from my vocabulary. I know I internally cringe now every time it escapes into my conversation, which I think is a good step. My substitute word of choice is 'groovy' :)


bluegargantua July 21 2010, 13:27:15 UTC

Might I suggest: Irrefudiatable?

Or "Rockin"



goobermunch July 21 2010, 13:30:58 UTC
Why not go So. Cal. and resurrect bodacious?

It's got the audacity of audacious blended with similar connotations as awesome. It's fallen out of the vernacular enough that its resurrection will not deplete an existing word of its denotative meaning. And it lacks the sweariness of bitchin'.

Unfortunately, it's relatively aged pedigree may give it a somewhat ironic cast, which may cause a perceived sincerity-debt.



louprosperi July 21 2010, 13:35:12 UTC
What an awewsome list of alternatives!


cleireac July 22 2010, 17:37:07 UTC
I was about to suggest bodacious my self, so I'm not sure about its perceived insincerity.


ext_202432 July 21 2010, 14:02:37 UTC
how about

"Excellent" (or to take it up a step "Most Excellent"
- Except you'd sound like Mr Burns from the Simpsons

or see if you can get away with

"Fan-Dabbi-Dozy" Which has the advantage of having 5 syllables (and two hyphens), but the disadvantage of making you sound like Janette "Wee Jimmy" Krankie (But if the Krankies didn't make it over the Atlantic, you'd possibly get away with it until you ran into a Brit...)


dracowayfarer July 21 2010, 15:59:29 UTC
With "excellent", it all depends on the inflection. You could sound like Mr. Burns, or you could invoke Bill and/or Ted.


electricmulch July 21 2010, 23:25:01 UTC
I have to second the use of most all of the "Bill and Ted"isms.

Two reasons:

1) They are, by an large, upbeat ( save Bogus )
2) It's difficult to take yourself too seriously while using them. (STATION!)

That said, it's time for my annual morning there cannot be a "Bill and Ted, 25th years later" flick. It just won't work without Rufus.


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