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Comments 11

madmanofprague June 4 2008, 20:18:21 UTC
It sounds like they're trying to connect the "Scientific Establishment" to that perennial bogeyman of American Fears-Marxism!


Copyright is intellectual slavery rsdancey June 5 2008, 12:08:50 UTC
Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the US Constitution says:

"The Congress shall have Power [. . .] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."

While not every nation spells out the authority for copyright law as clearly as that, at least in the US, it's pretty damn clear.

The problem is the words "limited Times". Copyright has become an UNLIMITED right, and that was never the intention of the Framers, nor of English common law, nor of any other western nations' framework for copyright.

Copyright today means that YOUR BRAIN is not free. You know things you cannot repeat without permission, images you cannot draw without permission, songs you cannot sing without permission, speeches you cannot give without permission, etc.

This is a horrific turn of events.



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