I really like this current "incarnation" of her. I owned her sophomore release on tape way back when--mainly because of one song. However, I never really liked her on the whole (there was always ONE song off each album that I liked when I heard the song in question on the radio--and always the rest I didn't care for---until the last one or two albums before this one where her career was just in major trouble---so a few weeks ago I bought THE EMANCIPATION OF MIMI. I think it's fun to have that pop music around--no matter how silly some think it is.
she was my first musical love wayyyyy back in the day, maybe 4th or 5th grade. Whenever "Daydream" came out. I stopped listening to her once I started listening to cool music and I dont even know what I did with all my old Mariah CDs. But i've downloaded some of those old songs recently and they're so great. She's really got an amazing voice and some really great songs!
Comments 5
ewwww.... she is such a prissy diva. not my kinda diva at all.
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