So, every now and again, a tabletop game gives you one of those scenes that plays out just as cool or cooler than the idealized awesome scene in your head. These moments tend to be very rewarding, and I had one last night with
Chadu's fantastic
Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies session, and I'm sufficiently pleased with both the scene and the game, that I yield to the nerd side of the force and
Corbeau and Shen launch out of an alley, coming upon half a dozen ruffians and their victim. Corbeau is both drunk and hung over, and may also be the deadliest man in the world.
Corbeau: Wait, which ones are we fighting again?
Shen: Those. The six over there.
Corbeau peers.
Corbeau: But there are only six of them.
Shen: What, you don't think you can deal with six?
Corbeau gives Shen a flat look.
Corbeau: All right. I have two bottle here. I'm going to throw this one and hit that guy on the forehead. The bottle will break and the glass will take that one in the neck and that one just below the ear. This other bottle will catch that one in the throat, which will knock him back into that one. The last one will look at all this and run of like a girl.
*Dice are rolled. It happens exactly as described.*
Corbeau: I regret that none of you are ever willing to gamble on these things.
This game continues to show all the earmarks of a game that I've been craving for a good long time.