Location: Weyrleaders Office
Time: Morning on Day 12, Month 9, Turn 3
Players: Roa, R’vain
Scene: Right after
Miniyal's visit, the weyrwoman and weyrleader have a great many things to discuss. Miniyal, Ginella, and T'ral all get a mention.
And I do not! )
Comments 13
Also, I am pleased Miniyal is able to give them ways to work together. Really. I have so many other ideas. I really should have sent those records to R'vain. But, well, who knew he could read? ;) And, he does know how to play her. :( But she plays him back. It's functional. Until it's not.
Roa just has a few too many things stacked against her. Her own fault for being too young. And short. And skinny. And female. And, well, you get the idea.
By the way, I will have all of Gans' stuff when he dies. Feel free to bring Ginny in. I will make up past difficulties with her by serving her tea. :)
I'm not aware of a whole lot of trouble with Roa's shortness, skinniness, or femaleness (as a weyrwoman)? Presumptuous.
Contrast that with Roa's description of her conversation with Ginella, and her take on Ginella's opinion of the exiles, which are basically right on, in the essentials. It's interesting. I really enjoyed reading this scene.
I plead guilty to the rest of this, although Ginny did say 'transfer' first.
She won't mind him speaking to Roa, either way. She may talk to her herself sometime soon, anyways. She would like to see that knot showing up, though. Especially now she got his hopes up.
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