Previously: Things happened. We're going to get to that in just a minute.
So. So. Yeah, so. So, it's been a long time. Does anyone actually remember anything about the Greens? Because damned if I did before I reviewed previous play and got everything all set up again. The main bunch have now been yoinked out of their old home of Deadland and plunked down in their temporary home of Darkwick. That said, here's a little primer on who we've got running around these days.
First off, we all remember this guy, right?
Well, these days he looks a bit more like this.
Reintroducing our resident vampire alien (with a weirdly huge fanbase, last I checked o.o), Sutherland Green.
+Fitness/Grey Hair
Next up is this dork.
+ Red hair/Cooking
- Unemployed
Then we've got the twins.
Having had a birthday near the end of the last update, we have
+ Hats/Jewelry
- Swimwear
And Fisher
+ Custom hair/Hard worker
- Hats
You may or may not recall that last update ended with, uh, this happening.
EITHER WAY. We're just going to pretend it didn't, mmkay? Mmkay.
Next, we have our current heir and the youngest of the lot.
+Red Hair/Charisma
And little Francine.
Then, over here...
not actually getting along with her children all too well, apparently...
Rosie's wife, Harper
Popularity/Grilled Cheese
3 - 7 - 8 - 4 - 3
Last but not necessarily least, also having had a birthday near the end of last update...
Rausch: You didn't see that.
As you may have noticed, we've unfortunately lost a couple of our more beloved family members.
A moment of silence, please for our dear servos, Stele and Helen.
Rest in peace, sweethearts. You will be sincerely missed in this madhouse.
...well, I'll miss them, anyway.
For the Gen 8 kids, however?
Goes on.
And on.
And on.
This should be an entertaining generation to continue.
Next time: The Greens don't even skip a beat. Doesn't seem like they noticed my lapse in attention at all.