Title: Misunderstood
roadkill2580 Rating: PG
Pairings: mild Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass
Warnings: creepy crawlies
Summary: In which Daphne is rescued by none other than Harry Potter himself.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.
A/N: I have NO idea where this came from.
Misunderstood )
Comments 4
I liked the alliteration in the first sentence.
I *really* liked how she started off with a preconceived notion of who Harry is, but was pleased to let him destroy that prejudice just by being Harry.
And that she went back the next year and set warming charms for them, saying "Hello" over and over again was quite touching.
I didn't originally intend the alliteration, but when I realized it was there, I had to finish it off.
As for the rest of it...I have no idea where this little thing came from, so I can't say much about the characterizations or how it turned out. I just wish I would be more motivated to write my WIPs.
Again, thanks for commenting!
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