Date: 9 June 1998 - early afternoon
Characters: Katie Bell, Anyone in the flat
Location: George’s flat
Status: Public
Summary: Katie works for half the day and returns “home” aka Drinking
Completion: Incomplete
Grasping the handle of her broom, Katie appeared behind Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Her short brown, but curly hair was mussed with earth and perspiration. She carried her broom up the steps and into George’s flat. On her back was a rucksack that clinked and thudded with what the last of her stash of galleons, sickles, and knuts would buy. The young woman entered the flat and looked about as she didn’t have the time or drive to do so when she left for Hogwarts before dawn and returned in the night.
She didn’t know if she was moving on from the tragedy that was nearing a month old or resisting the bits of it that stuck like briers to her soul. Wiping her face, Katie slipped into George’s room or the bunk room. She leaned her broom against one of the walls and sat her rucksack beside it.