Date: Sunday, April 21, 1999
Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Roger Davies, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Molly Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Madam Rosmerta, Other invited guests
Location: Phoenix Park
Status: Public
Summary: Teddy's birthday party
Completion: Incomplete
First Birthday Party )
Comments 33
Teddy was playing in the grass as he and Andy got everything set up, and Roger looked over at her and smiled. "Must be fun, being that age and having nothing to do except eat and enjoy life."
"It's probably fun to be that age and have everything so open for exploration still. No ideas what the world can really be like yet, so everything is a new adventure." She glanced at Roger. "That part is probably the most fun. I can't remember when I last felt that way."
He watched her as she spoke, setting out the cups. "But you can still have adventures now, right? I mean, surely you haven't seen everything there is to see. I think it's up to us, once we're older, to find things to explore, now that we take the smaller things for granted."
With a shake of her head, she focused on placing out the food and arranging the table. When Roger asked about adventures, she considered it. "I suppose I could. Or, I can once Teddy is grown and on his own. It's not as if I could Portkey to South America to explore the Amazon or rush off to China to walk the length of the Great Wall, after all."
"Hello! Happy Birthday, Teddy," she said. Teddy gurgled at her and she beamed down at him. "I hope you don't mind, Andy, but I brought some food, just in case you needed extras." Molly set down the large picnic basket and pulled out the cold chicken, salads and fruit that she'd packed. Then she took out Teddy's birthday present. She'd knitted him a multi-colour jumper with a large blue T on the front, matching hat and mittens.
She walked around the table and held out her hand. "If you'd like, I'll put his gift on the table with the others. I'll help him open things later." She noticed Kingsley arrive and nodded at him in greeting before she looked back at Molly. "Thank you for coming."
"Hello, Minister Shacklebolt," Roger smiled. "Yeah; we're glad the rainy weather broke. Good you could make it. Care for something to drink?"
He saw that one of the tables seemed to be designated for gifts, so he placed his bright blue package on the table with the others. "Wouldn't have missed it for anything other than a national emergency," he said, grinning. "Just some water, please."
"It looks really nice," she murmured to the boys before they walked over to join the party. She put her presents for Teddy on the table with other gifts and looked around curiously to see who else was there.
"Looks great," he answered, glancing around at the decorations and the well-wishers. He left a small gift for the birthday boy on the gift table, then asked his best mates if they wanted something to drink.
He set the gift gently on the table and wondered if Hestia had decided on coming or not, and who else might show up to celebrate Teddy's birthday- did he have any friends his own age?
"Bit quieter than the last party I was at," he commented to his brother, giving him a bit of a nudge then coming to stand beside him. "Hard to believe he's a year old, isn't it?"
He hummed and nodded when George said it was hard to believe. Percy knew his siblings had been far closer to Remus and Tonks than he had; Percy really just knew Teddy because Mrs. Tonks was taking care of him.
He shoved his hands into his pockets, then shrugged, as if shaking off a cloak. A year.
He sighed, then nudged the vial in his pocket. Hopefully he wouldn't need it today, but best to have it, just in case.
"The park turned out nice," he said, glancing around. "What d'you think Harry thinks of that fountain?"
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