"Sounds great!" He said, beaming. "Let's." And he made the way upstairs to the third, and fairly empty, bedroom.
"So, here you are," he said, plopping down on the bed, promptly. "Need any help unpacking or are you already so organized you know where everything's going?"
Hannah frowned when Ernie mentioned flirting. "I'll think about it." She answered evasively and put her box of underwear in one of the drawers.
Hannah laughed. "Ahhhh, Ernie, she will come along, your perfect woman, witch or nor. All you need to do is wait a bit. We are young, there will be plenty of people we will meet in future."
Comments 14
Ernie was happy that the third room in the house would be filled and even happier that it would be by his best friend.
Maybe today would be better than the rest of the week; Ernie was optimistic.
"Yep, everything with me." She patted her bag and skipped over the threshold. "Advantage of magic and all."
"Want to show me around and to my new room?" She asked teasingly.
"So, here you are," he said, plopping down on the bed, promptly. "Need any help unpacking or are you already so organized you know where everything's going?"
She put her bag on the desk and leaned against it. "Not really. But you can keep me company while I do the unpacking."
"I'm thinking maybe I'll have to start flirting with Muggles... I don't seem to have much luck with witches." Ernie sighed.
"Sorry... maybe I should go make us something to eat."
Hannah laughed. "Ahhhh, Ernie, she will come along, your perfect woman, witch or nor. All you need to do is wait a bit. We are young, there will be plenty of people we will meet in future."
"Good idea. Moving makes one witch hungry."
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