Date: Tuesday, August 22, 1998
Characters: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lisa Turpin, Parvati Patil, Zach Smith, Susan Bones, Draco Malfoy, Millicent Bulstrode, Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass, Padma Patil, Greg Goyle, Katie Bell, Terry Boot, Other Revision Group Folks
Location: NEWT Course Common Room
Status: Private
Summary: Another study group meeting
Completion: Incomplete
It had been another long day despite the fact that it had just been a half-day at work. Of course, after lunch, Hermione had had to go shopping for a bathing suit, which made standing in a lift with a crowd of people sound preferable. However, she’d finally managed to find an appropriate suit that she didn’t find uncomfortable and didn’t have odd bits of fabric in strange places, so it wasn’t a complete failure. Still, shopping for such things was stressful, as had been going into a Muggle area with people around.
By the time they were ready to Floo to Hogwarts for study group, though, she was more relaxed and ready to revise. Tonight would be Transfiguration, Arithmancy, and History of Magic, along with the general revision, and it was their first night using the new common room. Hopefully everyone would remember their change of location. Just in case, she went by the library and left a note on the door before they headed downstairs.
The common room was a nice, large space, and she levitated signs above the various tables for each of the topics covered tonight. There were also comfortable sofas for those who wanted to study in smaller groups or alone. She was grateful to Professor McGonagall for allowing them to use this space on Tuesday nights, since it meant they’d have to be here after hours that one day, but she’d been willing to work with them so long as they didn’t disturb regular students. It would be sad to lose Luna to school, but she knew she’d do her best to see Luna for lunch at least once a week so they could keep up.
She was taking Transfiguration and Arithmancy, so she debated which table she should sit at first before deciding to revise for Arithmancy. It’d not be as many people, most likely, and it was one of her favorite subjects, so it was the logical choice. She sat down with her back to the wall and arranged her materials then picked up her Arithmancy text and began to make notes while waiting for the others to arrive.