Crazy Stalker // Secret Admirer Meme

Oct 30, 2007 14:04


+ Comment here with your username, and let your secret admirers and crazy stalkers come and prop you up! Find out who secretly (or not-so-secretly) adores you and why, or who dresses up like you when they're at home and stands in front of a mirror saying "Am I ridiculously good looking? Of course I'm ridiculously good looking."

+ Have fun with it! Use this as an opportunity to let it all hang out and admit to your "crazier" stalking tendencies on LiveJournal...because we all know we have them.

+ IP logging is off, anonymous commenting is on, but feel free to use your real name if you're feeling adventurous.

+ The Golden Rule is in effect here--and I don't mean the one who has the gold makes the rules. So no in-fighting, flame-wars, poking in the eye, or turning people into goats. [We're all adults or at least pretending to be writing adults, or kids that think they are adults... let's not need some of you to be sent to your rooms.]

+ And again, HAVE FUN! If you want others to play, pimp this out and see what you get from your friends, your admirers, and those crazy people peeping in your LJ window at night!

[the facts: Halloween is upon us and here we all are wondering who is reading our muses, who cares when we write a new prompt, who cares when we upload a new icon, get a virtual gift, tie their shoes... pretty much anything that goes on LJ can be tracked somehow and sent right to your character's email. Creepy? Stalker-ish? Or just plain entertaining? Take this moment to comment with your characters journal name and see just who is 'stalking' them. Do it in character or leave an OOC note to the writer letting them know just how much you enjoy following what they write!]

[the ooc: this was shamelessly stolen from the one here @ keepaothecheez. Go there and participate as yourself as well!]
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