Addicted- AU Smallville Fanfic

Oct 03, 2007 01:30

Title: Addicted
Rating: a strong NC-17
Pairings: Kaloe; Chlark; a mention of Chimmy
Spoilers: Spoilers through Crimson.
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, Clark and Chloe would have gotten together a freaking long time ago. So, yeah, whatever.
Summary: He's the drug she's always been addicted to... Will she have the strength to let him go?
Warning(s): READ: This is for mature audiences only. To be blunt, it's smutty, people. This story contains very strong elements of violence, sexual violence, and mentions of blood play. If you're not into that, then don't read. Other than that, there's quite a bit of strong language. You have been warned.
Notes: This story was written for The Fading Daylight Chlark Fic-a-thon. It's completely inspired by Kelly Clarkson's song Addicted, and dedicated to lilbreck, who not only suggested the prompt, but has generally just been really great to me the past couple months. I hope it's to her liking. <3
On a couple of seperate notes, Kal, in this story, somehow became a very strange combination of Kal and Bizarro!Clark, so... please excuse that. :P This story contains mini-shoutouts to a Richard Marx song, and to a scene from Buffy. See if you can catch those. And be aware: the ending... may not be what it seems. Tremendous thanks to tobywolf13 and robynadele0406 for their contributions as betas. Feedback is most certainly love.

It's like you're a leech
Sucking the life from me
It's like I can't breathe
Without you inside of me

And I know I let you have all the power
And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts, in my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me...

~Addicted- Kelly Clarkson~

She knew he was coming.

She could feel him.

And this time, she was ready for him.

It wouldn't be like it had been before. She was more connected to him now than she ever had been. Maybe he would listen. Maybe he wouldn't.

She knew their new connection and the depths of it were wrong. Everything about their new situation was wrong. It'd been wrong since before it even started.

It had all started several months before, during Lex and Lana's engagement party.

Clark had randomly busted in on the party, with Chloe's drugged-out cousin on his arm.

But the moment Chloe had laid eyes on him, she'd intinctly known that he wasn't really Clark. Clark was high on Red Kryptonite, probably thanks to Lois herself. He had become Kal.

He'd let go of his temporary object of interest, and had started to go around the room, taunting and prodding at those he knew. First, it had been Lex. Then, it had been his own mother. Then, he'd verbally attacked Lana. And then it had been Chloe. She seemed to be the one he tortured the longest.

"You know, Chloe, I can't really say that I'm surprised to see you here. After all, once Lana's off the market, all those years of unrequited pining might actually pay off." He bent down next to her, his eyes moving over her. His next words were slightly softened, spoken in a breathy voice. "Can't say I haven't thought about it. In fact, I've thought about it a lot... while I'm listening to you, late at night, when you touch yourself... thinking of me, whispering my name."

Chloe had heard several gasps as the color had drained from her face, and her eyes closed with the most embarrassment she'd ever felt in her entire life. Part of her just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear, but another part of her wanted to beat him senseless for using his superhearing to eavesdrop on her. It was true. He definitely wasn't lying there.

"It's okay, Chloe." he'd whispered, his hand brushing over her arm. "I do the same thing when I think of you."

He slowly stood, and moments after announcing Lana's pregnancy to the entire crowd, he'd abruptly left the chaos the party had become, leaving Lois behind. He'd wreaked all the havoc he'd planned to wreak, so he had no further use of her.

After it was all said and done and the Red Kryptonite was out of his system, Clark had apologized profusely, and she'd forgiven him, without even an explanation for why he'd eavesdropped on her. She'd soon paid a price for that when Jimmy had dumped her. He didn't even know all the details, he merely broke up with her for excusing Clark's behavior that night.

The breakup didn't last long, however, because they'd gotten back together a little over a week later, after Jimmy had decided that he'd been foolish.

Two weeks after she and Jimmy had gotten back together, Chloe had paid another price for forgiving Clark so quickly. Later, a part of her would consider it a reward.

After getting back to the apartment after a movie date she'd had with Jimmy, Chloe had decided to take a shower.

When she'd finished, and came out, wearing only a pale pink robe, she could have sworn she felt the presence of someone else in the apartment. She knew it wasn't Lois, because Lois was out of town with Mrs. Kent at the moment.

She peeped around the dimly lit apartment. "Hello? Is someone there?"


Clark's voice in the darkness startled her, and she gasped.

"Clark, you scared the..." She turned, and trailed off as he stepped out of the shadows.

He was covered head-to-toe in black.

A plain black snug-fitting t-shirt, and a pair of black jeans, so tight that he looked as though he'd been poured into them.

Black was definitely not one of Clark's usual colors...

Chloe cleared her throat. "Clark... What are you doing here?"

He'd smiled at her then, a slow, sexy smile. "Hello, Chloe." His voice sounded deep and dark and seductive.

He'd taken a step closer, and she'd nearly stumbled backward.

His eyes took her in. "Chloe, you're all wet. You should really do something about that, don't you think?"

She didn't answer his question, just as he hadn't answered hers. She eyed him, and swallowed hard.

She knew, deep in her heart, that it wasn't Clark standing before her. It was Kal.

"I said, what are you doing here?" she asked the question again, trying to remain firm.

"I've come to bring you the truth, Miss Sullivan." The smile turned into a smirk. "You're a reporter. You're always looking for the truth, aren't you?"

"Of course."

"Well, I have a truth that needs to be told. And it needs to be told right away."

She gulped as he edged closer. "What truth is that?"

He licked his lips, and let his eyes wander over her again. She had the distinct feeling that he was using his x-ray vision to peep through her robe. When she crossed her arms over her chest, his eyes slowly slid back to her face. "I want you, Chloe."

Chloe bit her lip as she heard those words, the words she'd longed to hear Clark say for years, and a shiver had slipped up her spine. But Clark wasn't the one saying those words. Kal was. She tried to remind herself of that as he gave her a lustful look, his eyes undressing her again. It didn't really help. The same reaction flooded her, despite her inward protest. She suddenly felt a certain wetness between her thighs.

"Do you really?" she managed to keep a snippy, sarcastic tone. "Well, you're a little late, don'tcha think? I stopped being single again over two weeks ago."

He laughed. "Do you think I care, Chloe? That doesn't stop how I feel." His voice lowered. "It doesn't stop how you feel either, does it?"

He moved closer, and she almost stumbled backward again. "I don't know what you're talking about." She shot a quick glance over at her purse, which laid on the table next to the couch. She wondered if she could get to it and find the Kryptonite in time to...

"Yes, you do, Chloe." His voice broke her thoughts, and he laughed again. "You want me."

"Want you?" She'd shot a look of fake disgust at him. "Don't be ridiculous." Even as the lie slipped from her lips, another burst of moisture slid down her thighs.

She raised an eyebrow as he sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring. His eyes fell closed, and he licked his full lips.

"Oh, Chloe... I know you want me." Little strains of lust filled his voice. His eyes slowly reopened. "I can smell it... I can smell how much you want me..." She continued to stare up at him blankly as he licked his lips again. "I can smell how wet you are."

Her eyes flew wide, and as he started even closer, she stumbled again, and this time, her back hit the wall.

And then, he was on her, pressing her against the wall with his weight, holding her in place.

There was no escape.

She shivered as his hot breath hit her lips, and she felt herself get just a little bit wetter. As much as she tried not to be, she was turned on by him, to the point that she almost couldn't stand it.

"You want me, Chloe." His deep, sexy voice murmured. His thumb raked over her bottom lip, and she tried to turn her head. It only allowed his lips perfect access to her ear. "Admit it, Chloe... You want me. You want me to fuck you. You want me to pound your sweet little pussy."

She moaned softly, because of both his blatant words, and his denim-clad erection pressing against her.

Her head turned toward his, her eyes slowly opening. "I... I want you. I want you so bad."

In all honesty, she wanted Clark, but she found herself unable to complain.

The moment the shaky confession had left her lips, his mouth was on hers, his tongue brushing against hers. His fast hands yanked her robe open, and she moaned into his mouth as he squeezed the soft mounds of her breasts.

She lifted her leg around him, allowing him to press against her fully. His hand grabbed at her knee, holding it in place, as his mouth continued to assault hers.

The next thing she'd known, she was laying on Lois's bed, completely naked, and he was leaning over her, hurriedly yanking off his clothes. His jeans went flying across the room, finally exposing his tightly-muscled male form to her.

She sucked in a breath as she took in the sight of him. God, he's beautiful. He had the most beautiful body she'd ever seen, one that could rival that of a Greek God.

"Like what you see?" He smirked, and before she had a chance to say anything, he'd moved over her, settling his full weight between her thighs.

She started to say something, to tell him she wasn't quite ready, wasn't quite wet enough, but again, he gave her no chance.

He just slammed into her, full force, faster than she'd ever even imagined he could. She screamed in pain at the monstrous intrusion, her nails digging sharply into the broad expanse of his shoulders. The pressure of his steel-like body caused two of her nails to split, breaking half in two.

He groaned loudly, thrusting again, roughly and quickly, and a tear slid down her face as she whimpered in pain.

And then he had laughed, he had actually laughed. "Feels that good, huh, baby?" He seemed downright amused at her discomfort.

She'd remained silent, letting her arms and hands slide down. Her small hands grasped at his big, powerful biceps, bracing herself for his movements, which she assumed would only grow in speed and force as the seconds ticked by.

The sounds of pain had soon faded into little gasps and moans of pleasure, as she'd grown wetter and wetter with each of his violent thrusts. She'd become so completely caught up in the ecstasy he was causing her, she didn't even notice how many times he bit her, or how hard he pounded into her hips with his own, and pulled her hair.

And when she'd finally came, it had been the most intense orgasm of her life. It had been the first time she'd ever had multiple orgasms.

What shocked her is when he did, too.

When he'd came, following only seconds after her, he'd spilled into her not once, not twice, not three times, not even four. He had came five times, filling her with spurt after spurt after spurt of his hot stickiness.

And when he was done, he'd collapsed against her, his weight making her body sink down into the mattress.

He had left shortly after, depriving her of the closeness of being held afterward. She would have liked that, but Kal obviously wasn't the holding type.

When he had left, he'd left with that insufferable smirk on his face.

"He'll call you later... and I'll see you later."

She honestly hadn't known if those words had been a promise or a threat.

When she'd awoken the next morning, she'd been horrified to discover that her thighs and femininity were stained with her own blood, and her neck, shoulders, and even her breasts were covered with bite marks. The legion of hickeys had been so painful, she wasn't even able to wear a bra for several days. She was sore all over, and once she'd been able to clean herself up, she was clearly able to see that not only were her hips badly bruised, but her thighs were, too. Her lower half stayed sore for nearly a week.

Chloe hadn't been surprised to find a large puddle of blood on the sheets. What had surprised her was that the blood had soaked through the sheets, and into the mattress. She knew Lois would have questions, big ones, when she saw it, and after struggling to clean the mattress as best as she could, she'd finally given up and just flipped the mattress over. She prayed that Lois would never have a reason to turn it over.

Later that day, while at work, she'd jumped, and had nearly fallen backward, when she'd heard Clark's voice. She'd turned to him, wide-eyed, and with a touch of fear in her expression.

"Whoa, Chloe, you okay?" He touched her shoulder, and she hissed in pain. His brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"

"Uh... it's nothing." she managed the little lie easily. "What's up?"

"Uh... something... weird... happened to me last night." He frowned, looking worried. "And... I have a feeling it may not have been a good thing."

She chewed her bottom lip nervously. "Oh?"

"Uh... I... somehow lost track of about seven hours."

Her face fell slightly, and her head tilted. "You did?"

He nodded. "The last thing I remember, I was... watching some late movie on the TV around 10:30. The next thing I knew, I was waking up on the couch in the loft... naked." He blushed lightly. "That was around 5:30 this morning. I... I don't know where I was or what I did, but... I'm scared, Chloe. There was blood... on me. We both know I don't usually bleed, Chloe. And there were no... cuts on me... I... I think it was someone else's blood."

She slowly nodded, and swallowed hard. "Where was it?"

"Uh..." His cheeks blazed.

She cleared her throat. "I see..."

In fact, she saw a little too clearly...

"So what do you think happened, Clark?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know, Chloe. That's why I'm so creeped out right now."

She took a deep breath. "Well... uh... I think you shouldn't worry yourself about it unless it happens again."

That remark seemed hard for him to take, but eventually, he did.

Chloe was a little disappointed at first that he hadn't remembered, but soon, she came to realize that it was better he hadn't. It would have killed him to know just how much he'd hurt her.

A week passed before Kal had shown up at her door again. Thankfully, Lois had been gone again.

And after that, Kal began to come to her more frequently. Every other night, he'd show up, ready to claim her as his own again. If Lois was home, he'd sneak Chloe out, taking her wherever he could, rather it was in the back of her car, in the middle of a cornfield, or out in the woods. On occasion, he'd take her back to the farm, but that didn't seem to be his favorite place to go. He claimed that it stunk of "that weak farmboy".

As the nights turned into days, and the days turned into weeks, and the weeks slowly grew into months, Chloe began to feel a change within herself. She began to feel taken by Kal completely, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally, too. She realized just how obsessed with him that she'd become. She dreamed of him. Every single night, even if he didn't come to her. She'd find her mind wandering while she was at work, and her thoughts would almost automatically go to him. Whenever she saw Clark angry, she could see Kal in his eyes, and she would feel a heat begin to blossom between her thighs. She knew Clark noticed, because he'd turn a faint shade of pink and look a bit uncomfortable. At times, she began to wonder if she wanted Kal more than she wanted Clark, if she could have possibly fallen in love with Kal. But she knew that was crazy. They were essentially the same person; Kal was only Clark's darker side.

And that fact alone caused a feeling much darker than obsession to fill her already heavy heart.

It caused fear.

Secretly, she was terrified of Clark. After all the things Kal did to her on a fairly regular basis, she'd become afraid of her best friend. She knew now what darkness lied within him, and it scared her, so much more than she was willing to admit. When that darkness took over, he was dangerous, in a way no one else could ever realize.

Aside from the constant rough sex, hair-pulling, bruising, and biting, other things had happened since they'd begun their torrid affair... things Chloe wasn't proud of. Things she'd normally find sick, and disgusting. Things she'd normally refuse to let anyone do to her. Sometimes he'd do it without her permission, sometimes with. If it demeaned her in any way, he was all for it. It was almost as if it was a game to him.

More than once, he'd sweet-talked her into taking him into her mouth, and after her mouth had lubricated him just enough, he'd forced something upon her that she just didn't want. Before she could even really react, he'd forced his thick shaft up her backside. It hurt, and she didn't like it. She didn't like it at all. In fact, she hated it. But she let him have his way, keeping silent, her tears hitting the pillow or car seat or whatever was nearby. On the following night, he'd always try to "make it up to her" by going down on her, and though she was more than willing to let him do it, it didn't make up for the pain he caused her, or the blood she'd shed. But she wouldn't fully admit that to herself.

Just like she wouldn't admit that it seemed that he loved to make her bleed, or just loved her blood, period. She'd begun to bet on the latter, specifically because of one instance, one night.

One night, he'd came to her while it was very literally "that time of the month". She'd been a bit grossed-out by the idea of having sex with him then, but, as he always did, he was able to talk her into it. It hurt, just slightly, but then again, she was used to his roughness, and it always hurt anyway, to some extent.

What had unnerved her, what had disturbed her, was his response to a simple question.

"Are you... are you actually enjoying this? Isn't it gross t-to you?"

He'd laughed, deeply and lowly. "Hell, no. I like feeling your blood on my cock, baby."

His sick confession had somehow turned her on in the moment, but later on, it had sickened her, haunted her. And it only seemed to haunt her more with each passing day.

As the months had worn on, and their secret affair continued, she'd slowly began to realize the truth.

In the daylight hours, she seemed to be more like herself. She'd work, she'd play sidekick to Clark, and she'd happily spend time with Jimmy.

But at night, it was like she was a completely different person. It was as though every time he changed, every time that red ring was on his finger, she knew it, and she changed with him, becoming the twisted woman who so desperately craved the sick, disgusting kind of love he always wanted to give her.

She began to realize how wrong it all was, but as of yet, she hadn't done anything to stop it. But now, it had gotten worse.

Only days before, while they'd been having sex in the loft, he had demanded something disturbing of her.

"Chloe." he grunted out her name. "Cut me."

She could have sworn she hadn't heard him right, and looked up at him with wide eyes. "W-what?"

"Cut me." he repeated, and groaned deeply. "Take the Kryptonite out of your purse, and cut me."

"W-why?" She'd stared up at him, horrified, but unable to stop moving her hips with his.

"Just do it, damn it!" he'd growled, and she knew he meant it, because he punctuated the sentence with a hard, rough thrust, one that made her scream in both pain and pleasure.

She'd fumbled to reach down into her purse as he continued to pound into her, and had finally gotten out the little green rock.

His movements had stopped immediately, leaving him deep within her, and when she looked into his bright bluish-green eyes, she knew immediately that Clark was the one looking back at her. He looked confused as he looked down at her, and looked like he was hurting. His face began to burn as he realized their bodies were connected.

"C-Chloe... what are we- we doing? This is..."

She knew what he was about to say, as she let the rock slide from her hand onto the floor next to the couch. One finger touched his full lips. "Please... don't... don't say anything." Tears began to fill her eyes. She sobbed. "I love you, Clark." The watery admission had even been a surprise for her. But the bigger surprise was when those same three words had spilled from his lips.

"I love you, too, Chloe." he'd whispered, and she sobbed again, taking his face in her hands. She kissed him, softly, sweetly, slowly, and he'd kissed her back.

As she pulled her lips from his, she looked at him sadly, feeling herself torn in two directions. "I'm sorry." she whispered, and picked up the Kryptonite.

Before he say a word, she dragged the sharpest point across his forearm. He screamed in agony as it dug a small, but deep cut into his flesh. His dark, rich blood flowed freely from it, and the sight of it made her cry again.

She kissed him once more, muttering another apology, and then dropped the rock back into its hiding place.

Clark reverted back to Kal, and Kal laughed.

"Aw. You've had your moment. You happy?" His voice deepened several notches as he mocked her. He inspected his arm, and then reached for hers.

Within seconds, he tore a matching gash into her forearm with his fingernails, and she screamed, just as Clark had. He rubbed his arm against hers, repeatedly, and as he did, she gasped, her head falling back. She felt something strange creep into her, and he grinned.

"My blood... some of it's racing in your veins now." he murmured, his voice staying deep, low. "You're mine now... you're mine forever. We're connected... forever."

As the blood began to dry on their arms, he began to pound away at her again. A new awareness seemed to fill her, and when she came with him minutes later, she couldn't even call it intense. Intense wasn't even the word for the sensations she felt.

And after she'd returned to the apartment, she somehow knew when he'd taken the ring off. She sensed... total blackness, as though Clark was knocked out.

The next morning, when Clark had shown up at the Planet, he was in a panic.

"C-Chloe... I think something happened last night. I... I woke up with this." He rolled up the sleeve of his plaid shirt, and pointed at the cut, which was now scabbed over.

She blinked. She'd always thought he was automatically supposed to heal, but apparently, something wasn't right.

"Uh... what do you think happened last night, Clark?"

"I... I don't know... but... I had this dream."

She'd looked up at him, trying to keep her cool. "What did you dream about?"

He looked a little sad as he spoke. "You... you told me you... loved me... and you kissed me. And you said you were sorry, but you never told me why."

She bit her lip, and nearly crumbled right there. "It... It was just a dream, Clark."

"Are you sure about that, Chloe?" he wondered. "Because it felt pretty damn real."

She sighed, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sure it is, Clark."

His hand suddenly grabbed her arm, and gently pulled it down. His brows furrowed as one finger lightly traced the identical cut on her arm. She jerked it back, hissing lightly.

"Sorry..." he murmured. "How'd you get that, Chloe?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does! Did I do that?"

She shook her head. "Of course not."

His eyes searched her face. "You're lying." he said softly. "You're lying, Chloe. I know you know more about this than what you're saying."

"I don't. I'm sorry." she said, and looked down, ending the conversation.

She couldn't bear to tell him the truth. He obviously didn't remember, and was having blackouts of some sort. She knew that if he knew the truth about what Kal had been doing to her, it'd kill him. She knew it would. Especially now that she knew that he loved her.

All day long, she'd been thinking of that morning at the Planet, and of the news she'd gotten just this morning.

As she sat there, in the darkness of the apartment, she knew it had to end. It had to end for her sake, and for Clark's.

She knew it had to stop, because every time she slept with Kal now, there was a chance Clark would end up remembering, or he'd find out about it. She couldn't hurt him that way.

She knew it had to stop, because she was damaged now, and she knew that if she kept this up, there would be no way to fix herself. She'd be scarred for life.

A trip to the gynecologist that morning had revealed a truth Chloe had long been afraid of. She'd discovered that there were several tears in her vagina, very large tears, thanks to the countless nights of rough sex she'd had with Kal. Something was wrong with her cervix as well, but she wasn't positive if it was connected or not. She was going to have to undergo a small surgery, one that would render her unable to participate in sexual activities for up to two months. Even then, she'd be very sore, and it would have to be very gently.

She shivered as Kal's scent filled her nostrils. She could smell him now. She knew when he was hard, and knew when he was on his way to see her. It was part of their new connection, the one that had caused her to hurt Clark.

She felt tears touch her eyes as she prepared herself for the inevitable.

This is it... Tonight is the last time. This can't happen anymore. It's like I'm not me anymore, and that can't happen. Just one more time, then that's it. I know I can get through this. I know I can.

She cared about Jimmy, and she loved Clark, but she was obsessed with Kal. She knew it had to end, and she was desperately trying to convince herself of that.

And suddenly, he was there, smirking at her, as usual.

He wasted no time in grabbing her up, and slamming his lips against hers.

She moaned softly, her arms going around his neck.

Keep control. She fought to remind herself.

"Mmmmph... Kal..." she murmured breathlessly. "Lois will be home soon... can we go to the farm, please?"

He gave her a dirty look. "I don't get what your damn obsession with the farm is."

"I like it there... because you're a little wilder." She broke into a slow, sexy smile, hoping that her trick would work.

He smirked. "All right, then." Literally a second after he spoke, they were up in the loft, and he was hastily pulling off her tank top and pajama pants. With one hand, he ripped off her panties.

She yanked him in for another kiss before he could even start on his own clothes. She gave him a rough push towards the couch, and he allowed himself to drop onto it, sitting straight up. She straddled his lap, reaching down for his zipper at the same time.

A deep laugh rattled in his powerful chest. "Does little Chloe wanna ride the big bucking bronco? That could be fun for once... just once."

She didn't answer him, only worked the zipper down until she was able to pull his stiffened cock out of his pants. She rubbed against him slowly, moaning softly.

She suddenly jerked and gasped as she felt his big hand slap her voluptuous ass.

"No teasing, Chloe... or no rides for you." he growled, and she whimpered.

Knowing that he'd probably hurt her if he didn't get his way soon, she went ahead and slowly sunk down onto him, allowing him to fill her completely for the last time.

He groaned deeply, closing his eyes, and, for once, let her take control.

As she moved over him, she took in the sight of him, and moaned softly.

God, he looked so beautiful. For a moment, she could actually imagine that he was Clark. If only he'd stayed this way for now, maybe she could pretend... just this once.

She moved over him, faster and harder now, as her hands gripped his big shoulders. The sensation of her breasts rubbing up and down over the black cotton t-shirt he wore added something new to her pleasure.

His hands squeezed her ass roughly as he growled again. He began to raise his hips upward toward hers, and she worked to meet him stroke for stroke, crying out softly every now and then.

And then she did the wrong thing.

Clark's name spilled from her lips before she even realized.

His eyes opened, and he glared up at her, his grip on her backside tightening. "You know better than to call me that."

She looked him dead in the eye, never stopping her movements. "Maybe I do. But this time tomorrow, it won't matter." She squeezed his shoulders, forcing back a moan. "This is over, Kal."

He burst into laughter. "What are you talking about?"

"This won't happen anymore after tonight." Chloe whimpered as his hand slid around, touching her inner thigh. She was struggling to keep control.

"What is this, then?" he taunted her, giving her a hard thrust. "One last thrill?"

She moaned, her lips parting. "Something like that."

"You know what'll happen if you end this... you'll never touch this body like this again."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Oh, it's a definite not, Chloe." His fingers brushed over the swollen bundle of nerves between her thighs, and she gasped in reply. "Clark doesn't have the balls. He's too stupid and too scared to tell you the truth, Chloe. He's a wuss. He's pathetic. You don't need him." His thumb pressed over her, and she cried out. He was torturing her now, and she hated him for it.

"Maybe he is pathetic. Maybe he is a wuss." she managed, looking him in the eye. "But I love that pathetic wuss. I could never love you, Kal."

She knew she'd made him angry then, because he snarled at her, and a bright red ring formed around his pupils. He practically slammed against her, his thumb pressing down again.

A scream filled her throat as she felt her thighs begin to shake. Her hips began to work frantically over his as she felt her body spasm around his.

His orgasm began to roar through him then, too, and as she came, four, five, six times, she felt him explode into her, over and over and over again. She screamed again as a seventh orgasm ripped through her, and when she finally collapsed against him, her entire body was trembling violently.

She was still shivering when she leaned her head against his shoulder. He was silent, except for the sounds of catching his breath. He didn't even seem to notice when her hand trailed down his arm.

"Goodbye, Kal." she whispered hoarsely. Her fingers locked around the red-stoned ring on his left hand, and she quickly pulled it off before he could raise his head. She threw the ring over her shoulder, and it went flying over the wooden railing. She sighed softly, amazed at her own strength, and managed to pull herself away from him. She whimpered softly as his body left hers for the final time.

It was only then, as she moved to seat herself beside him, that she noticed that Clark was out like a light. She bit her lip as she looked over at him.

Gently, she reached over and fixed his jeans, carefully zipping them back up.

She moved off the couch, carefully slipping back into her clothes. She walked back over, and leaned down, softly brushing her lips over his.

"I love you." she whispered, though she knew he wouldn't hear her. Gathering all the strength she could muster, she turned and went down the stairs, planning to go into the house to call for a cab.

When she reached the bottom, she noticed the ring there. Going against her better instincts, she bent down and picked it up. She sighed again, and went on out of the barn.

She'd get rid of it. She'd make sure he never found it again...

And in the dimness of the loft, Clark cried in his sleep.

"Chloe... Please... Chloe, don't let him hurt you... Please don't let me hurt you..."
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