Someday We'll Know- Smallville fanfic

Oct 27, 2006 19:58

Title: Someday We'll Know
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Chlark; Clana (referenced to)
Spoilers: General spoilers for the series; heavy on Tempest and Covenant; mentions of Vortex; somewhat vague hints to Gone, Pariah, Hidden, Reckoning, and Vessel; spoilers and speculation for season six.
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, Clark and Chloe would have gotten together a freaking long time ago. So, yeah, whatever.
Summary: Some day, he'll know that she was the one for him.
Note: This fluffy/angsty little one-shot mostly takes place during the final moments of Covenant, and hints at the future towards the end; from Chloe's point of view.

As she and her father waited to be carried off to their safe house, Chloe was doing far too much thinking.

You'd think, at a time like this, she'd be thinking of her life, her safety, worrying about what Lionel Luthor was capable of, even within the confines of a jail cell.

But she wasn't.

Instead, she was thinking of Clark Kent.

The thoughts had been initiated by her realization that this entire situation she and her father were now in had been her own fault. In a moment of weakness, of jealousy, of rage, she'd betrayed the man she'd loved for the last three years.

And in that instant, every moment of their relationship since the beginning flashed through her mind.

And suddenly, she began to wonder about so many things.

If she hadn't told him she just wanted to be friends, would he have picked her over Lana? Would he have been with her, and gotten over his childhood crush?

If Lana hadn't been driving Whitney to the bus station, would Clark still have left the formal?

If the tornado had never shown up, would she have had more than just a few hours of bliss?

Tears filled Chloe's eyes as she thought, as all the questions flooded her at once.

She shouldn't have still loved him, but she did. And she knew she always would love him.

She sniffled, and inwardly began to question God.

Why can't he be here with me? At least to say goodbye.

Why couldn't we ever be together? Maybe this would have never happened.

Will I ever know what could have been?

One resounding answer from deep within her echoed in her mind.

Someday you'll know.

Someday, you'll both know.

As the car approached the safe house, Chloe felt her heart pound, and she could feel the truth surging through her.

One day, Clark would know.

He would know she'd been the one.

Someday, you'll know I was the one for you, Clark.

Only moments after she and her father had entered the safe house, it blew up, and in the same milli-second, Clark was sucked into the cave wall.

And two-and-a-half years later, after a return from death, a secret reveal, another return from death, a father's death, and one unforgettable kiss at the end of world, Clark did know.

Clark knew that Chloe was the one.
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