Since I've had a bunch of requests for this now, and since I've decided it really isn't terminally spoilery but more a general indication of The Shape of Things To Come, I'm going to post the fic that I wrote
lizbee for her birthday last year. This is not part of the main Snapelets story; it's more of a sideshow. But it does mention some upcoming
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Comments 13
That was really nice. I like Albion. He reminds me of Miles Vorkosigan-- the Great Man's Son Syndrome is written all over him.
Hmm. I wonder what Snape would think if we told him about the resemblance? :P
And with a soft click everything in Liz's mind came together and made sense. And it was good.
He reminded me of JKR's protagonist: the "I'm responsible for everything because I was born well endowed" syndrome.
The holding her and not letting her escape if she's not interested in him ravishing her, that's romantic?
No, this is not a tamed-down rape fantasy scenario. That wouldn't appeal to Albion at all -- it would go clear against his inner sense of justice. So if Susannah had struggled or tried to push him away, he would have (however reluctantly) let go. But as he told her afterward, he had good reason to believe she wouldn't object to being kissed by him -- and, of course, he was right.
nothing makes my evening like fresh fic from you :-)
That's definitely made my day :)
How DO you do it?
[makes a note to join the "Nagging Rebecca for Fic" club]
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