Characters:: Fate Linegod (
adonis_klein) and Albel Nox (
Date/Time:: September 24th, early evening
Location:: Their apartment
Rating:: PG-13 for now. Maybe porn later or something. *shrug*
Summary:: Albel has a surprise for Fate's birthday!
If such a love is meant to be; Hope is home, and the heart is free. )
Comments 8
"Happy birthday, Fate," Albel said. He was proud of the fact the he had received the initial reaction he had wanted. Everything was ready; the food was on the table waiting, the promise ring was in its box in Albel's pocket, and Fate's gift was waiting in the master bathroom. He moved across the room to his younger lover, the smirk on his face unfading as he lifted his oven-mitt clad hand to brush the hair out of Fate's eyes. Soft lips brushed over Fate's in a surprisingly gentle kiss as he properly greeted the blunette.
Turning to the table, the Turk pulled a seat out from the table. As he moved, the tight shirt stretched across his muscles, showing off his washboard abs and powerful arms. "Have a seat," he instructed and went to put away the oven mitt, hoping Fate wouldn't notice the band-aids covering his fingers.
"I had some trouble with a stray cat earlier today," he said as he sat down at the table. "The little monster did a number on me."
He was happy with the knowledge that his plan was working. No need for his lover to get all his gifts at once any ways. I just hope the bathroom is all in one piece when this is over.
"I hope you don't mind me keeping you to myself this evening."
Looking at the food, Fate really hoped that it was edible. It might look pretty on the outside, but Fate knew from experience that there was always the chance he'd be woken up with food poisoning in the middle of the night. "Shall we eat then?" he asked as his stomach growled loudly. "I'm starving!"
What ever happened would no point in wondering.
Albel took a small bite from his fruit bowl knowing that at the very least he could make that right.
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