your heart and my heart are very, very old friends

Jul 14, 2014 08:28


It's easy, here's how it works:

- Leave a comment and link your thread in your journal
- Spread some happiness around for other people
- Invite all your friends to stop by.  Everybody is welcome.
- Have fun!

*anonymous comments are enabled for those of you who prefer to be mysterious.

Enjoy, folks, and spread the word!

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felisblanco July 14 2014, 17:24:40 UTC
Hi. *awkward waving*


fufaraw July 14 2014, 17:43:01 UTC
Where do I start? You have the most amazing imagination, you tell intricate, intriguing stories, and take your readers into emotional realms most of us would never think to venture, without your stories. I feel grateful and privileged to share your vision.


stir_of_echoes July 14 2014, 18:02:35 UTC
OMG! Hello you. I feel like I have know you forever, which I kind of have because we've been friends for such a long time and I'm so thankful for it. Your writing is outstanding. Your characters and the worlds you build around them are just inspirational and you remain one of my favourite authors, ever. And you're such a wonderful, open, and giving person, and I feel so privileged to know you and to be able to call you my friend. You're also one of my favourite people, ever too.

So much love.


candygramme July 14 2014, 18:20:34 UTC
You are just plain awesome, and I'm glad I know you. Quite apart from your writing - which is always good to read, and your ability to write so eloquently in a language that is not your own, you don't shirk the difficult topics, and you aren't someone who shies away from moral dilemmas. You always make me think. Love you, and love your writing.


hildigunnur July 14 2014, 18:28:15 UTC
Hey you, sexy person! Yeah, I'm talking to you. I just wanted you to know that you are so funny and smart and I'm ecstatic that I can call you my friend in real life as well as online.

Keep on rocking that writing talent of yours. There aren't that many out there who write awesome stuff in two languages.

Love you a lot!


dephigravity July 14 2014, 18:33:45 UTC
I haven't read nearly as much of yours as I should, but I am in awe and adore your world building! I aim to correct this!!! /may have just put your library on my kindle


tifaching July 14 2014, 19:07:02 UTC
I've only just started getting to know your work but I've been hearing about your awesomeness for years. I hope you don't mind that I friended you because I've only recently gotten in the habit of doing that to people I'm in awe of. :)


cassiopeia7 July 14 2014, 19:32:45 UTC
We've never actually met, but I have four words for you: The Doors of Time. ♥♥♥♥

No, make that three more words: LOVE YOU FOREVER!

Best 'verse ever, full stop. Thank you for writing this! ♥


ldyghst July 14 2014, 20:08:04 UTC


tebtosca July 14 2014, 20:23:15 UTC
You are a brilliant, sensitive writer <3


whiskyboys July 14 2014, 20:32:11 UTC
You are amazing!! I devour everything that you write and I can honestly say that you are one of my favourite writers ever. You deserve to have published books topping the charts! ♥



deirdre_c July 14 2014, 20:54:35 UTC
How many years have we been at this together, lovely girl? How lucky I am to have found you early on and to have been able to stick together through SPN/J2 fandom. *hugs tight*


winchestergirl July 14 2014, 21:47:26 UTC

Felis you are my brain twin, my friend through 2 fandoms now, my art muses' inspiration, my favorite author ever ( ok you and foxie) *waves at foxie somewhere* I love our insane chats, our random ficcing (remember the pink whitehouse?) lmao why did we never do anything with that?

I love that through insane time zones we still manage to make it work, and I love how reluctant you were to talk over skype cause you were worried I might not understand your english cause of your accent LOL when that was the first thing I asked Foxie, was my accent hard for her to understand lmao

Your posts brighten my day and your fics make my heart soar :D Love you BB *smishes*


clex_monkie89 July 14 2014, 21:58:22 UTC
The amount of times I reread your fic is a little disturbing. At least once a month I "accidentally" click on one of my favorites and then lose a week to mainlining everything again, and I don't regret a second of it.


saltandburnboys July 14 2014, 22:33:00 UTC
I read Doors of Time for the first time the other day and it's, hands down, one of the best things I've ever read, fanfic or otherwise. You're just really, really talented, and I'm very glad you decided to share just a little of that talent with all the people on LJ! :-)



jesseofthenorth July 14 2014, 22:41:44 UTC
I wanted to say thank you for all the hours I have spent in the amazing worlds you create in your fic. I often go back and re-read when I want to 'get away from it all'


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