The Travels of Anadrasata Nearabhigan: Day 16 Sidebar

Aug 25, 2023 21:57

This sidebar should be read after Day 16, just so you know how things got to this point.  This piece runs to 689 words, and oh boy, nineteenth century patent medicines were a real thing.  (Government regulation for the win, really.)

Index Page

Thanks to the signal flags hanging from the airship as it made its approach to the landing apron, Dr Khainaign was waiting for the patient when she was carried off the ship.  The apothecary he'd sent for, based on those flags, arrived in the room used for such matters just as the ship's doctor was about to begin explaining the patient's problems.  The two doctors wore plain waistcoats cut on the modern pattern under their sober coloured coats - no-one wanted to wear expensive and difficult to clean fabrics where body fluids might well get on them.  The apothecary, in contrast, looked a generation out of date - long hair tied back from his face and an embroidered waistcoat with a neckline low enough to display a frothy abundance of cravat.  Mr Amatteye dressed to instil confidence in his abilities in an older generation.

"I came as quickly as I could," apologised the apothecary.  "I understand that poisoning is the problem?"

"Yes," replied the ship's doctor.  No-one could blame the man for being to the point - he had to be back on board when the ship sailed in less than two hours.  "According to all accounts," he acknowledged the fourth man remaining in the room, "this bottle of Dr Portain's Remedy for Sleeplessness and Disturbed Nerves was full two mornings ago."  The brown bottle he'd produced form his coat pocket was clearly only a quarter full.  "Mrs Gritteye created a disturbance in the hallway outside her cabin last night.  After she was returned to her own quarters, she had several episodes of vomiting before she passed out.  That was when we discovered the bottle in this state.  I don't know what's in it, aside from raw spirits and hashish, so I treated her with activated charcoal washed down by drinking water.  After half an hour or so, she passed out and has been like this since." He indicated the prone matron on the stretcher.  "Her breathing was very slow and shallow for a while, but it's improved in the last hour or so."

Dr Khainaign asked, "Can you tell us what we're dealing with, Mr Amatteye?"

"Not completely," said the apothecary, taking the bottle and eyeing the label distastefully.  "The makers of these things like to keep their recipes secret. 'Dr Portain' is no exception.  From experience, I do know that it's got a lot of strong alcohol, hashish, a little tincture of opium, sleepwort, valerian root, and chamomile in it, but beyond that, I have no idea.  The label says it's made from 'therapeutic botanicals' but, frankly, that's no help."

"Agreed," said the ship's doctor.  "Sounds as if there's not a lot more that I could have done for the lady, over and above what I did do.  Ah, I don't believe I've introduced you two gentlemen to our patient's son." He indicated the fourth gentleman again.  "Mr Gritteye, may I present Dr Khainaign and Mr Amatteye?  If you agree, they will have care of your mother from now on."

"Yes. A pleasure, gentlemen, I only wish it was under better circumstances." Those words sounded rote, but the next ones didn't.  "Please help my mother.  She can be difficult, and she has been over the last few days, but I do love her and I'm sure she didn't mean to do this to herself.  I thought we'd have years yet for her to get used to not being in charge of me, and then for her to enjoy having grandchildren.  This shouldn't be the end of it all."

Dr Khainaign patted him reassuringly on the shoulder and said, "We shall do our best, Mr Gritteye.  It's good news that your mother's breathing has gotten stronger.  Have you arranged for somewhere to stay here in town?"

"Yes," replied Mr Gritteye, his eyes on his mother.  "I booked rooms at the Dancing Barnacle.  My friend's secretary is outside somewhere arranging suitable transport for us to get there now."

"Excellent," replied the doctor.  "It's a fine establishment.  Now, if you mother's maid could come in to assist us, well make sure that's she's ready to travel when the vehicle arrives."


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