The Travels of Anadrasata Nearabhigan: Day 7

May 08, 2023 20:15

Here we are with another episode in the days of the lives of the first class passengers aboard the airship Pearlish Star.  There's an actress, with an entourage, blatantly on the hunt for a new protector, various noble and wealthy persons on their way to a famous and popular seaside resort, various military gentlemen and their wives going where they've been told, two religious scholars, a nobleman who hasn't really explained himself, and a young woman who has no experience with this level of society although she ought to belong here.  This piece runs to 758 words, and I hope you enjoy it.

Index Page.

Skaithosday, 17 Ochd, 1893 C.E.

Dear Journal,

Neither the Dowager Baroness nor Miss Dhaighan took breakfast with the rest of us today.  I have no idea if this was just because they could or because of some upset last night after I went to bed.

All but two of the religious scholars left us this morning in Jihardine.  [I have realised that I spelt it wrong in yesterday's entry and my only explanation is that I spelt it the way it sounds to me when people say it.]  The Reverend Doctor Saphaidos and his colleague the Reverend Doctor Rhuhthvar remain with us.

On our arrival in Jihardine I received to telegraph messages.  The first was from Anna:


The second was from Mother:


After some thought, I am not going to acknowledge that I have received these messages. Let them believe that I did not receive them.

Our incoming first class passengers are ten Army officers with two of their wives, and one young nab who has very recently left the Navy.  Mr Aigos dh'Venhair, formerly Leutenant dh'Venhair, made it his business to sit with the Misses dh'Uhghitairs at lunch and to converse with Miss Lhaidair and myself later in the day.  I know I am not an eligible young lady, and it was kind of him to include me.

I had done my language study in the morning, so I walked around the promenade deck and did embroidery in the balcony parlor in the afternoon.  Mrs Khaitrai and Mrs Ghaightair joined us and the Vahtraiti ladies poured again.  [Perhaps I should quietly check whether they truly wish to be doing this instead of doing it to keep the peace.]

Mr dh'Venhair also joined us and was totally charming.  He says that he left the Navy because if he doesn't wish to make a career of it now is the time - he says that neither the rigors of the command track nor the study required to be a specialist officer appeal to him.  The Baroness asked after one of his aunts, whom she went to finishing school with, and that is when I found out that he is the third son of the Duke of Bhearghaith.  I would have thought that this would make him Lord Aigos, but he did introduce himself as Mr dh' Venhair, so presumably that is how he wishes to be known.  Certainly no-one else thought that it was worth remarking on, at least in my hearing.  Mr dh' Venhair for his part told us that he was going north to visit his older half-brother - and the Baroness promptly changed the subject.  I surmise that the half-brother is not the thing, but it would be crass of me to ask questions.

At dinner I sat at the First Officer's table, the Captain had the bridge tonight, and I sat between Major dh'Lhaigh and Lord Elnaith.  I was opposite the Dowager Baroness, whom I smiled politely at, and Miss Dhaighan was on the other side of Lord Elnaith.  Major dh'Lhaigh and I discussed the Seither Isle issue - well, he explained it and I did my best to ask intelligent questions.  Lord Elnaith and I talked about Umbrial - local personalities, regional politics, and local sites. In retrospect, I think he was pumping me for information, but I have no idea why.

After dinner, before the gentlemen joined us in the balcony parlor, the Dowager Baroness cleared her throat loudly and surprised me by saying, "Miss Nearabhigan, I owe you an apology for my offensive actions of the other night.  No matter what your current position, you are not mine to direct, and I should not have presumed to limit your interactions."

I curtsied and replied, "Thank you, my lady.  I also apologise if I overreacted to your words."

She inclined her head and said, "Thank you."  I believe the matter is settled.

When the tea tray came in, two of the Misses dh'Uhghitairs poured for us all.  When we were done with tea, Lord Elnaith inveigled the Dowager Baroness, the Baron, and myself into a game of cards - six hands of maistoto and I think I held my own.  Miss Dhaighan attempted to form a court of the gentlemen of noble extraction, but the military gentlemen were interested but overly cautious for her taste and Mr dh'Venhair treated her like an aunt.  She did not seem satisfied.

Anadrasata Nearabhigan


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