Dec 23, 2014 16:23
Hi! It’s almost Christmas and I am on public holidays, Christmas/New Year stand down and leave until almost the final third of January.
Theoretically at least, this gives me time to write thus I am opening up a prompt call to run until I get up on Saturday morning, 3 January 2015 that is now CLOSED. The aim of this is to clear up some of my writing back log, i.e. things I’ve started and haven’t gotten around to finishing or have been distracted from. (See! There’s another pretty, shiny idea over there!) At the moment I have ten of those things on my list.
For this prompt call I am asking for a whole number from 1 to 10 inclusive and a prompt. This will get you 200 hundred words on my incomplete project and 250 words to your prompt.
If you signal boost me on one platform then you will get 125 more words on your prompt. If you signal boost me on two platforms, e.g. Twitter and Live Journal, then you can choose between 250 more words on your first prompt or 250 words on a second prompt.
If you might feel inclined to throw money at me, then $1AUD will get you 100 more words on your prompt.
If I receive $20AUD, then I’ll get pizza.
If I get $30AUD, then I’ll write 250 words to a second prompt for randomly chosen prompter.
If I get $40AUD, then I’ll be very surprised and write 250 words to a randomly chosen prompt - this could be 250 more words to a prompt that has already been written to. Plus I will consider further incentive levels, when I get over my surprise.
If I do raise money beyond pizza levels then I will use it either buy an art or sponsor another writer.
And here is my donation button. Thank you for even considering using it.