I knew your name looked familiar. Now, I know why. Boy...I'm dense cookie. Anyway, I love this fic. I never thought them as a pair until I read your fic. Now, my damn banner bunny wants me to make Dustin/Adam banner. Stupid bunny. I'm rambling again. Sorry. Anyway...Love how everyone seemed to ganging up on the pair. Poor Adam and Dustin can't hide no matter what. ::hugs Dustin.:: Evil Dustin's mom....But no worries...Adam will make it all better((or he should)) Anyway...great work!
Thanks! The pairing is sorta random. Dustin is pretty much my favorite char (on par with my Bridge love of course). Adam, is my girlfriend at the time I started writing this, fav char. So I said 'hey lets pair them up'. She didn't think it could be done and so I had to try. Yeah, they're going to have issues, but it's mostly hurt/comfort with a healthy dose of romance. So there will be comfort! :)
Comments 3
And on a side note...YAY! ^__^
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