A fic only an author could love

Nov 24, 2003 02:46

So, I was trying to get inspired to write and I realized that I really, really like a story of mine that nobody else seems to. There are good reasons not to like it: it lacks narrative flow and just sort of ebbs away at the end. But it works for me, in part because it doesn't have a real flow; it's a story of a breakdown, of a man who thinks so ( Read more... )

au: king, fanfic, au: turner, au: dann, au: gibson, au: cockey, ti: buffy, au: eco, au: mcphee, au: baker, au: foster, au: tevis, reviews, au: various, au: brust, au: david; au: maxey, au: newman, au: hirshberg, au: greene, fiction

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Comments 8

typicrobots November 24 2003, 00:25:02 UTC
Hey, free fic pimpage. Cool.

I think all my fics are beloved monster fics. But few more than others, probably because they were my earlier stories and I wasn't that well-known (really, because I'm so famous now). Or more likely, they're just not very good.

But, Age I thought had some pretty good writing and some pretty good Scully introspection, but maybe the lack of plot had to do with the low feedback. One of my more recent fics, Least Resistance kind of got overlooked. It also lacked plot and was ScullyIntrospection-heavy. Same with Fractures. They all also had not-so-happy unresolved MSR endings. Hey, maybe I should stop writing things like that.

BTW, my attempt at de-lurking here. Friended you because I love The Bowiehabarata series and Acadia.


r1cepudding November 24 2003, 01:57:10 UTC
The Dark Tower!


I lovelovelove those books. I'm an unashamed King fanatic, and that series is one of my favourites. I still think he's at his best when he's writing straight forward horror, but that series is just so wonderfully weird.


rheasilvia November 24 2003, 02:05:31 UTC
Yes, I know just what you mean - I have an orphan, too ( ... )


ingridmatthews November 24 2003, 04:06:33 UTC
One of the first SV fics I wrote was a little thing called Zero Consequences, a post-"Zero" prequel fic in which I tried to show that Lex's compulsive behavior toward Clark was part of a much earlier pattern and the inevitable end attached to it. There was even some hint at incest and it had het hints too!

But, probably because Amanda Rothman was such a teeny, tiny minor character no one paid much attention. I still like the fic, a lot, so lack of response doesn't bother me. I responded enough for myself. ;)


ter369 November 24 2003, 06:41:21 UTC
Back to Dragaera, where the men are men and the dialogue is flowery.


I just know Brust likes the same swashbuckler classics that I do.

Graham Greene, The End of the Affair: I don't generally read outside "genre" fiction. I like books in which things happen, and "things" don't include love affairs and related angsting.

The lack of things happening has led Jake Heggie to turn this into an opera, like many 19th century so-so dramas that made excellent lyric theatre.

Regarding the Houston Grand Opera's world premiere of this opera, I fear the boring soprano chick with her teeny voice (the Mimi in Baz Luhrman's first run at 1950's La Bohème), and Heggie's music usually rambles without complexity or a theme. But this should be small cast and cheap to produce.


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