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Comments 1

Reinventing Cinema anonymous September 18 2010, 15:36:28 UTC
Thanks for reviewing my book. I think you're right to raise some questions about the choices that I made in the final chapter. I was somewhat more interested in thinking about film culture, so I ended up bracketing off quite a bit of material. And I think you're right to question whether all mashups are "tributes." They aren't, and I didn't quite mean to imply that. They can, under certain circumstances, direct attention to neglected or forgotten films (note the discussion of the Downfall mashups). It's hard to cover everything when you have a very precise page limit, but I wish I could have done more with the diversity of mashups and mashup genres that are out there. Oh, and thanks also for a whole new set of mashups to check out. I'll have plenty to watch this afternoon....


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