Briefly noted; Scott Westerfeld

Aug 18, 2008 12:43

1. Note to self: “Gourmet burritos” at the Oakland airport aren’t.
2. If you aren’t reading Yahtzee, you should be (keyboard/drink interface warning).
3. Is it wrong to love that I’ve now seen and enjoyed two Sam/Dean Sam-POV vids set to “Next Contestant”? (Boy howdy do people enjoy touching Dean’s face.)

Reviews, Scott Westerfeld edition )

au: westerfeld, reviews, fiction

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Comments 2

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rivkat August 19 2008, 14:07:45 UTC
I don't ship Tally/Shay only because I like Shay's anger so much. It feels so real, real enough to survive a whole bunch of incarnations. I could see grudgesex between them, but not a relationship.

I agree that the vocabulary produces a certain effect; I just didn't want that effect after a short period. But I didn't think it was more extreme in Extras--in fact, I thought slang should have changed more in Japan after the recent eventful years, so it annoyed me more in the last volume simply because I wanted new and different slang.

I will read the sequel to Peeps when I get the chance, for sure.


luthorienne August 19 2008, 17:10:03 UTC
"Gourmet burritos" is an oxymoron.


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