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Comments 3

cofax7 January 28 2008, 22:19:57 UTC
I adore the Steerswoman novels, and despite stalking her with veejane at Wiscon last year, we were unable to discover how long we have to wait for the next one to come out. Still, they're the best world-building I've seen in a very very long time.


redfirecracker January 29 2008, 16:56:38 UTC
Hm, now, I borrowed A Companion to Wolves from the library and enjoyed it so much that I am planning on buying it at some point.

I saw it as more like a social/gender commentary than anything else, actually. The sex seemed practically transient compared to the other issues.

Or maybe that's just me. *grin*


Harpy's Flight froganon January 31 2008, 06:17:59 UTC

Of the three, Harpy's Flight sounds the most interesting to me.
Uh, maybe it's cuz of the strangeness of my own in-law.


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