Reviews: Comics and manga

Mar 09, 2007 08:32

John Francis Moore et al., Superman: The Dark Side: What if Kal-El had been raised by Darkseid to kill, conquer and destroy?  The most interesting part of the artwork for me was the backgrounds - there isn't a white panel in the book; it is literally dark, which works pretty well thematically.  If you think that Kal-El will end up on the side of ( Read more... )

c: fallen angel, c: superman, c: death note, comics, reviews, c: astro city

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Comments 10

raveninthewind March 9 2007, 14:34:54 UTC
Thanks for the reviews. I tried vol. 1 of Death Note and it didn't capture me. I didn't spend much time thinking about why because the manga was a loan and I just handed it back. I think your comments pinpoint why it was so unsatisfying.

Kal-El as ultimately Alien and therefore Inhuman, even though he was raised by the Kents--it can be a stretch for me, too. I can go there for the sake of a brief story, but it doesn't work unless there are reasons other than Nature for a personality that is other than canon Superman or Clark Kent.

I would love to have the Powers issues. I just have four or five, out of order, because that was what thte store I go to had, and I never bothered to fill in the missing issues so I could read it.


rivkat March 9 2007, 14:55:04 UTC
I can go with a fair amount of alienness even in Clark Kent. What I have difficulty with is Kal-El developing a human morality when raised in a completely different environment. Some traits -- like a strong sense of right and wrong -- I easily see as being the same, but the definitions of "right" and "wrong" are unlikely to be the same. Koimistress has a powerful and disturbing AU about a Clark Kent raised in a slaveholding state, and she gets it right -- which is why I can't bear to reread the story.

Send me your mailing address and I will send the Powers issues.


raveninthewind March 10 2007, 02:15:29 UTC
I only read that Koimistreses story once myself. It was v. good but way dark for my tastes.

I sent my address, thank you!


brown_betty March 9 2007, 17:24:09 UTC
I would be interested in Death Note, but I don't know if you're interested in mailing all the way to Canada.

When I read Confessor, I admit, I was very distracted by the fact that the sidekick was named Altar Boy with no apparent irony.


rivkat March 9 2007, 17:32:21 UTC
Canada is fine -- just send me an address at rivkat at gmail.

Altar Boy was a bit weird, but I figured the Confessor just refused to acknowledge the implications. Kind of like Batman.


shiba_inu March 9 2007, 21:49:16 UTC
The "Death Note" idea is intriguing -- kind of like spiritual letters of marque, no?


rivkat March 9 2007, 21:52:03 UTC
It is intriguing, and there are some real twists with the rules. That just couldn't overwhelm the other flaws for me.


Free Comic Books jewishlibrarian May 4 2007, 17:02:35 UTC
I think my home could be considered a "good home" for issues of Testament. I am working on a cyber-bibliography of comics with Jewish content and thus far, almost all of the issues of Testament apply.

I wanted to buy a bunch of back issues at once (on sale, of course) but my retailer had run out of certain ones by the time I dropped by.

Specifically, I am missing #s 2,3,5, & 6. I never did get issue #1, but I have a color printouts of the pages from the Vertigo website.

Always nice to meet a fellow librarian, even if it's across the cybersphere. :)


Re: Free Comic Books rivkat May 5 2007, 03:25:05 UTC
I will have to check to make sure I didn't send those out as gifts with something else, but I should be able to let you know on Monday.


Re: Free Comic Books rivkat May 8 2007, 23:54:50 UTC
Okay, so I still have the issues. Send me your address at rivkat at gmail and I will send them out.


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