Who: Dragon, Deacon
Where: Between the barracks
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: While studying the wreckage of the former barracks, Dragon is approached by Deacon. The two talk, speculate, and introduce themselves before Dragon voluntells him to help her relocate her belongings to a less rubble-strewn room.
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"Looks like someone had a temper tantrum," he noted as he sauntered up, pale hands in the pockets of his jeans, headphones strung around his neck and blaring some kind of techno music. He glanced to her and smirked. "That shit's bad for your health," he pointed out helpfully.
"How long've you been in town?" she inquired, glancing to him again before she lifted the cigarette back to her mouth.
"Couple days," he ventured, "Not long. Long enough to putter around the castle and play twenty questions with the fucks on the other side." He chuckled; that had been amusing. "How about you?"
He didn't really care, but it was conversation and it wasn't as if he had anywhere better to be. Well. Besides catching a bite. Literally.
She supposed she should find something to do besides stare at the rubble, but it was kind of interesting to know that people had done that to the building with their powers.
Kind of reminded her of a fire blaster, or something.
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