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Comments 460

nentari July 25 2009, 08:01:35 UTC
I mean, even Sara Kingdom gets a mention!
I can't help but notice that neither Jack nor K9 are mentioned. *ponders* Hmmm...

LOLZ NOW THEY'RE PLAYING WITH FOAM! ::gigglesnorts:: How adorable! I can just see the three of them having a grand foam fight on the ocean!
Frazer Hines mentioned in the Highlander feature from the Mind Robber extras that this scene was all improvisation from their part. Here's a transcript of what he had to say about it:

I remember walking along the Margate Sands with Deborah in all this foam which took about half an hour to set up. On the take, Patrick and I looked at each other and said, "Yes!" and we've just rolled Debbie in all that... "You swine, you swine!" She never stopped acting, God bless her. "You swine, you swine!" And they said they loved it. "We'll have to print it, though, we can't waste time setting up this foam again."

Miss Waterfield, who did teach you to pick locks like that? ::grins::Yes, I would like to know that, too. It's not exactly part of a Victorian lady's education; Jamie knew ( ... )


riverdresses July 25 2009, 09:14:48 UTC
I can't help but notice that neither Jack nor K9 are mentioned. *ponders* Hmmm...

I hadn't even noticed that! & Adam Mitchell gets a mention & he only had one episode! ::hmmms with you::

Frazer Hines mentioned in the Highlander feature from the Mind Robber extras that this scene was all improvisation from their part. Here's a transcript of what he had to say about it

O my! ::giggles:: I DO wish I could have been able to see that scene - it DID sound so cute, really.

Yes, I would like to know that, too. It's not exactly part of a Victorian lady's education; Jamie knew nothing about it, obviously, and I cannot see Two teaching her such tricks.

It's puzzling, isn't it? Maybe she found a book on lock-picking in the TARDIS library one afternoon? I surmise that she taught herself somehow, since I too don't see Two teaching her something like that.

The bits I've seen in the Lost in Time set are quite chilling, particularly Oak and Quill attacking Maggie Harris - I remember reading that that particular scene was highly criticized at the ( ... )


nentari July 25 2009, 09:53:53 UTC
I hadn't even noticed that! & Adam Mitchell gets a mention & he only had one episode! ::hmmms with you::
Maybe Jack and K9 were hiding in a closet somewhere... *uses appropriate icon*

I surmise that she taught herself somehow, since I too don't see Two teaching her something like that.
Maybe she found a diary belonging to a former companion where such a technique was explained? I can easily see Vicki or Polly doing that sort of trickery.

The first time I read that, I thought you said Pat was seventeen at the time that was made & I was like, WHAT?!
He's not David's father at all, but his twin brother. :P

HEE! Foam seems to be a bit of a cornerstone of Pat's era, from what I've heard - & seen! :P
They even had to recreate it for The Great Space Elevator. This shows just how iconic the foam became.

(& hmm, that serial wouldn't happen to be The Seeds of Death, now, would it? ::grins::)
My lips are sealed. I'll just say that it's the foamiest of them all.

I still maintain that the only one who didn't cause me some sort of grief or ( ... )


riverdresses July 25 2009, 10:23:12 UTC
Maybe Jack and K9 were hiding in a closet somewhere... *uses appropriate icon*

::wiggles the nicely groomed Eyebrows of Rassilon Knowledge::

Maybe she found a diary belonging to a former companion where such a technique was explained? I can easily see Vicki or Polly doing that sort of trickery.

HMM! I like that theory! I could see Polly & Vicki knowing how to pick locks, definitely. (& Ben, of course!) & that would be a fair assumption - & great fic, actually. :D

He's not David's father at all, but his twin brother. :P

::gigglesnorts:: TEASE ME, WHY DON'T YOU. :P

They even had to recreate it for The Great Space Elevator. This shows just how iconic the foam became.

Foam, like monochrome, is best. ::nods:: & they even rhyme! :D

My lips are sealed. I'll just say that it's the foamiest of them all.

::giggle:: Well, I'm getting close to that serial! So I'll soon know!

He was forced to cut off an inevitable argument with Jamie over Victoria's decision to stay, though. Jamie was starting to project his sadness and frustration on ( ... )


hoshinekoyasha July 25 2009, 08:15:40 UTC
I wish that shirt can in a girl's shape! The I would buy it and add
Charley & Lucie & Erimem & Hex & Fitz & Izzy & Anji & Benny & Evelyn & C'rizz & Sam & Trix


riverdresses July 25 2009, 09:18:29 UTC
Me tooooo! ::pouts:: & I'D TOTALLY BE ADDING CHARLEY. That shirt is NOT complete without miss Charley's name on there!



hoshinekoyasha July 25 2009, 09:24:03 UTC
I am so excited to hear Izzy's audio form! HOW MUCH LONGER IS BIG FINISH GOING TO MAKE US WAIT!?


riverdresses July 25 2009, 10:09:48 UTC


nentari July 25 2009, 08:31:14 UTC
Comment break!

. . . Two pulled a One & made the TARDIS its actual size on the inside?
Eight also did something similar in the EDAs, I think (well, it was more like the TARDIS did it to herself in that case) - it helps with the "healing" process, and stops the damage from increasing.

WAIT A MINUTE, HOLD THE PHONE AND REWIND - JAMIE'S GOT HIS SHIRT OFF. Or at least unbuttoned . . . o, yesplz. & THEY BURNT THIS?! ::cries hard::
My thought exactly. Destroying evidence of shirtless!Jamie is CRIMINAL. CRIMINAL, I TELL YA!

OMG SHE'S LAUGHING AT JAMIE'S KILT! & CALLING IT A SKIRT! & he threatens to give her a good smacking for it get in line, Jamie, love, I've got first claim there!
And to think you were all for defending Zoe when I first told you about the larruping threats... :D

Oooo - their voices are a bit different from when I last heard them back in Tomb of the Cybermen.Yes, the voices sound a bit off in this serial - the only one who uses the voice modulator is the Cyber Leader. Luckily, they returned to the more menacing voices ( ... )


riverdresses July 25 2009, 09:55:24 UTC
Eight also did something similar in the EDAs, I think (well, it was more like the TARDIS did it to herself in that case) - it helps with the "healing" process, and stops the damage from increasing.

Hmm! Interesting, that is.

My thought exactly. Destroying evidence of shirtless!Jamie is CRIMINAL. CRIMINAL, I TELL YA!


And to think you were all for defending Zoe when I first told you about the larruping threats... :D

Well, I HAD to be the nice one! :P But Jamie needn't worry - I'll take care of Zoe for him. ::cheeky:: STILL haven't decided who's the lucky one - Jamie or Zoe!

Yes, the voices sound a bit off in this serial - the only one who uses the voice modulator is the Cyber Leader. Luckily, they returned to the more menacing voices in The Invasion.

O, I see! I agree - I liked their voices much better in Tomb of the Cybermen & The Invasion. FAR more menacing & shiver-inducing.

Mostly ( ... )


nentari July 25 2009, 10:07:04 UTC
Well, I HAD to be the nice one! :P But Jamie needn't worry - I'll take care of Zoe for him. ::cheeky::

I'll have to keep an eye out for this when I watch The Invasion next week - I KNEW something was very different about their faces, but I don't think I'd figured out exactly what it was.
I'll see if I can make caps from all three serials and make a side-by-side comparison. I think that might be helpful.

Wait, HE WAS?! I TOTALLY did not know that! AWESOME. :D
I've known about it years before I ever got to see any footage from the serial, as it's mentioned in the trivia section for this story in the Television Companion.

Actually, Anneke & Catherine also look a bit alike - they're both blonde & have lovely eyes, I think.
I think Anneke looks a bit different in profile, because of her distinctive (and very pretty) nose. They're very similar to each other in any other aspect, though.

But I remember you said that the influence they had on her showed very early in her run when I said how they were a good influence on her & ( ... )


riverdresses July 25 2009, 10:36:00 UTC

::looks sweet:: Well, SOMEONE has to keep that snappy little genius in line! & I'm quite up to task, I assure you! ::tickles Zoe::

I'll see if I can make caps from all three serials and make a side-by-side comparison. I think that might be helpful.

You know, I think that would be. & also, after The Invasion do the Cybermen more or less retain the same look throughout the classic series? I haven't seen any Cybermen serials beyond Two's yet, so I can't say anything about Five, Six or Seven's.

I've known about it years before I ever got to see any footage from the serial, as it's mentioned in the trivia section for this story in the Television Companion.

Lucky! :P I've never seen it mentioned anywhere!

I think Anneke looks a bit different in profile, because of her distinctive (and very pretty) nose. They're very similar to each other in any other aspect, though.

Hmm. I can't remember if I've seen Anneke in profile, but I should have a rewatch of Belle De Jour sometime for a second look. (I ♥ that film & the book was ( ... )


nentari July 25 2009, 08:51:51 UTC
And part 3!
(yes, this time I decided to trop a comment for each serial/audio - luckily each one fit into one single comment.)

CHRIST, DALEKS! Okay, THAT was a good way to freak me the fuck out as soon as I started this audio!
It's a sort of reprise of that scene from Evil she's watching when we last saw her, enhanced to sound even scarier. Well done, sound effect people.

'If I knew everything, Zoe, what would be left to discover?'
That's such a lovely answer.

but I don't think Zoe's brain was operated on.
Definitely not. She was trained by parapsychologists through mental exercises and lessons, but her brain was not physically touched.

O god . . . being inside the mind of a Dalek . . . I can't imagine anything more horrifying to experience, psychically.I think this gave Atrekar some sort of redemption. He was able to resist being inside the mind of a Dalek and make all the horror hit them back - and was able to destroy them and stop Zoe from becoming a killer out of desperation. I really really hated Atrekar and I usually find ( ... )


riverdresses July 25 2009, 10:07:50 UTC
It's a sort of reprise of that scene from Evil she's watching when we last saw her, enhanced to sound even scarier. Well done, sound effect people.

Here here! ::toasts from under her bed::

That's such a lovely answer.

It is. & it's perfectly Two. ♥

Definitely not. She was trained by parapsychologists through mental exercises and lessons, but her brain was not physically touched.

O, that's good to know - very good, actually. & at that, the only two things that really separate Zoe & River are the fact that River's brain was taken apart in places & the fact that Zoe's not psychic.

I think this gave Atrekar some sort of redemption. He was able to resist being inside the mind of a Dalek and make all the horror hit them back - and was able to destroy them and stop Zoe from becoming a killer out of desperation.I really liked that way of decommissioning the Daleks - I'm almost SURE it's a way the Doctor's never done & I've never seen it done any other time, even in other audios, so I have to say that it was a pretty good way of taking ( ... )


nentari July 25 2009, 10:22:17 UTC
O, that's good to know - very good, actually.
Of course, we don't have actual evidence of what the parapsychologist did to Zoe and the other pupils, but the fact that she was able to learn and grow like she did shows that the enhancing and formatting her brain went through was all external.

& at that, the only two things that really separate Zoe & River are the fact that River's brain was taken apart in places & the fact that Zoe's not psychic.
They even have mad fighting skills!

UGH, I HATED THAT EPISODE, FOR MANY REASONS & that was one of them. Just . . . fail!episode all around. But I agree - it was well-handled here.
I remember when I first watched The Sontaran Experiment/The Poison Sky that I drew some parallels between Luke and Tobias Vaughn - they're both geniuses who made deals with creatures who betrayed them in the end, and died after turning against their old allies. The differences, of course, are that Luke was a pathetic brat, and Vaughn never experienced any sort of redemption - he didn't decide to destroy the Cybermen ( ... )


riverdresses July 25 2009, 11:06:34 UTC
Of course, we don't have actual evidence of what the parapsychologist did to Zoe and the other pupils, but the fact that she was able to learn and grow like she did shows that the enhancing and formatting her brain went through was all external.

Yes. In River's case, it's clear that whatever was done to her drove her completely insane, to the point where she could barely control herself at times. Zoe was bred to be a human computer. River was bred to be an assassin.

They even have mad fighting skills!

DAMN STRAIGHT! ::grins & points to icon::

I remember when I first watched The Sontaran Experiment/The Poison Sky that I drew some parallels between Luke and Tobias Vaughn - they're both geniuses who made deals with creatures who betrayed them in the end, and died after turning against their old allies. The differences, of course, are that Luke was a pathetic brat, and Vaughn never experienced any sort of redemption - he didn't decide to destroy the Cybermen because he saw the error of his ways (he was still very much determined in ( ... )


urchinmoppet July 25 2009, 10:32:37 UTC
Aww that shirt is neat! But no Charley?!?!?! Bah!

Not reading your reviews yet because I'm saving them for when I can watch & then know what you're talking about. But I can't wait! ♥


riverdresses July 25 2009, 11:08:47 UTC
Isn't it? :D But AH! That's where a bit of masking tape & a black Sharpie comes in handy! :D

& I hope you get to see everything I recapped soon - I'd love to hear your thoughts on them! ::glompglomp::


lilyofshalott July 25 2009, 19:40:17 UTC
I second this comment-all of it! ^_^

(I sort of skim the reviews, but I don't want to spoil myself *too* much.)


riverdresses July 26 2009, 10:10:31 UTC
I do the same with the Classic!serials that I haven't seen either - no spoilers, EVER, please. :D


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