New vid: Part of the Queue

May 23, 2006 01:15

Song: "Part of the Queue" by Oasis
Fandom: Veronica Mars
File Size/Format: Xvid 30MB
Subject: Logan. Suddenly I find that I've lost my way in this city...
(Spoilers for all of season one; and season two up to 2x15 "The Quick and the Wed")

To download, please go to: my website
Edited to add: the initial version of the uploaded file got corrupted somehow. The problem has been fixed with a fresh upload, and the vid should now download and play normally

A huge thank you to dualbunny for walking me through avisynth and xvid encoding, as well as beta-ing the vid itself later on. I owe you big time.

Getting feedback (criticism included) makes me happy!

This is the first vid I've completed since "Tiny Dancer" last April. The months of May through to August were characterised by a severe case of vidders block, during which time many vids were started and none were finished. All attempts to vid resulted in a sense of maddening frustration and impotency. From August-ish onwards I decided to be zen and not even try to vid any more until it felt right again. Feeling right again happened in March this year. I think it came from a combination of having a new laptop, which meant I could vid anywhere I wanted and also my new fannish love: Veronica Mars.

All I knew for sure when I started vidding this song was that it was about Logan. And that The Kiss had to go on the twangy feedback note at the start of the bridge, which meant the bridge had to be about Logan's relationship with Veronica, and given the musical sound of the end of the bridge (ie that is not a happy piano) by the end of the bridge he had to have fucked it all up royally with her.

Aaron muscled his way in shortly after.

I'm not all that good at talking about vidding, and also it's late here, so I'm going to leave it there for now. Hopefully though I'll come back to this and maybe write up all the different things I've learned whilst making this and how I learned them and what I like about the vid and what I'm still not quite satisfied with, at some point in the near future.
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