Learnin' to Fly [[OPEN! :D]]

Sep 22, 2010 18:13

WHO: hasnoteefs and hiccuphaddock
WHAT: Flying! And possibly stealing fish because Toothless likes those a lot.
WHERE: THE SKY. And possibly the ground.
WHEN: Uh... midday?

Comin' down is the hardest thing. )

oc - molly o'reilley, log, toothless, hiccup

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Comments 12

hiccuphaddock September 24 2010, 00:42:57 UTC
Hiccup tries to remain calm as he tightens the last strap on Toothless's tail, giving the prosthetic fin a fond little pat before he hoists himself up into the harness on the dragon's back. Things were always trial and error with him, but if luck was on his side, they'd be more trial than error this time.

With a little nod of self-encouragement, he hooks his feet into the stirrups, leaning forward. "You ready to try this out, buddy?"


hasnoteefs September 24 2010, 01:52:02 UTC
Toothless grunted affirmatively, waiting for Hiccup to situate himself accurately and wiggling a little, himself, to ensure the saddle and everything else was going to stay stationary. He whuffed softly, noting his approval. We're ready when you are.


rosereddaughter September 26 2010, 06:58:15 UTC
((ooc: Just kind of wondering if you'd mind Bridget thread-crashing later while they're actually flying?))


hasnoteefs September 26 2010, 15:46:53 UTC
[ooc; I am not opposed to this at all! :D]


ferntickled September 27 2010, 14:00:00 UTC
She was curious and the curiosity was enough to override any nervousness in the situation. Such creatures belonged in bedtime stories and fables, didn't they? But if there was one thing she could count on, it was that hers was an unpredictable world in which she lived.

Molly ducked her head so her bonnet hid most of her face as she peeked from behind a nearby house. Oh but she so wanted to see this creature up close!


hasnoteefs September 27 2010, 16:51:15 UTC
Toothless noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head in the direction of the house Molly was hiding behind. He wasn't bothered-- anything that was a threat wouldn't have made itself visible that way, and the dragon was slowly discovering that most of Rivelata was relatively chill.

So he continued to shift around and anxious feet, waiting for Hiccup to be done with his saddle's adjustments, and watched the curious bonnet behind the house.


ferntickled September 28 2010, 14:01:41 UTC
Eventually, curiosity won the day. The petite maid took a few hesitant steps away from the safety of the house and then a few less hesitant steps towards the creature- and the young man (boy?) saddling it.

"Hello-?" Molly greeted hopefully.


hasnoteefs September 29 2010, 17:29:05 UTC
Toothless nudged Hiccup under the arm, figuring he'd probably yet to notice the approaching girl. He looked at the reddish-haired boy once he had his attention, then moved his eyes to Molly as she moved closer, as though to signal to Hiccup that hey, there's a girl over there and she's talking to us. Maybe you should talk back since I can't.


blacksnake_kasa September 28 2010, 01:56:21 UTC
Kasa had known a dragon, of a sort, previously, but this one was something new to her. She kept a respectful distance, although she didn't try to hide herself in any way. She had brought one of the chairs from the bar, and she sat with her legs crossed, a look of amusement and interest playing on her face.


hasnoteefs September 28 2010, 02:00:40 UTC
Toothless offered her a sort of whuffing grunt, confused by her chair and her amusement. What, never seen a Viking put a saddle on a Night Fury before? ...Probably not, since she didn't look much like a Viking herself and even then, seeing a Night Fury wasn't something most of them lived through. He didn't recognize the strange dark-haired woman, but she didn't seem to be presenting a threat, so he allowed her presence without making an offensive moves.


whatisyourwish September 29 2010, 08:08:33 UTC
Yuuko was very much used to odd sights, especially after more than a year of living in Rivelata. Still, a dragon of this sort was something she hadn't seen, so she paused as she passed by the boy and the dragon, and observed them. It seemed that the boy was going to ride the dragon. The dragon also seemed to be able to understand at least a little of what the boy said, and seemed fairly aware of what was going on around it and of the curiousity of the locals.

She smiled a little and nodded her head to it, letting it see that she intended no harm.


hasnoteefs September 30 2010, 02:33:12 UTC
Toothless, contrastingly, was quite unused to the locals of Rivelata and generally speaking all the unusual people everywhere. He was so accustomed to Vikings and angry people wearing furs and wielding axes and swords that the... stark lack of aforementioned people alarmed him somewhat. He wasn't accustomed to being able to walk about a City that wasn't Berk without getting leered at. Hell, he still wasn't used to being able to walk about Berk without getting leered at.

He grunted loquaciously back at her, perking his earfins.


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