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Comments 112

fox_shuuichi April 15 2008, 02:28:40 UTC
Kurama moved carefully back away from the bars, to Sora and Hikaru, laying a gentle, restraining hand on their shoulders. He knew that both knew members of this rescue party - Kaoru not nearly the least among them - and it would not do to have them rushing forward to the bars while there were explosives going off.

"It appears we've been rescued," he murmured softly, casting his eyes over the party of rescuers, scanning for that one, familiar, long-missed face...


wutaian_rose April 15 2008, 02:56:07 UTC
Yuffie was so surprised to see anyone else that she nearly jumped out of her skin. She stood and watched the people file in and give orders...They were really gonna be saved. They were...oh wow.

She laughed out loud. Everything was finally begining to look up. She turned to look around. The sooner out of this place the better. She wanted the sky.


poetryinfashion April 15 2008, 02:58:11 UTC
Kaoru might have actually heard Mr. Kent's words. Somewhere, somewhere in the back of his mind, there was probably still a part of it that was functioning properly and which registered Mr. Kent needing the names of the captives or the possibility of incoming dynamite.

But it wasn't loud enough to stop him from pushing past Mr. Kent and then Larsa finally Susumu before running gracelessly towards the bars, nearly tripping on the uneven ground. He gripped one bar with each hand and pressed his face against the bars.

His eyes told him that Hikaru and Shuuichi and Hakkai and Sora were there and very obviously alive, mostly unharmed, but... he couldn't really believe it. Two weeks apart and he just couldn't believe that this wasn't some dream he was going to wake up from any second now...

"Hikaru..."His voice came out so weak, so dry... he wasn't sure he'd actually said anything. His gaze started darting between Hikaru and Shuuichi and Hakkai and Sora and back to Hikaru again, no more words forming coherently in his mind ( ... )


fox_shuuichi April 15 2008, 03:02:56 UTC
Kurama tightened his grip on Hikaru's shoulder, and hoped both boys would forgive him for what he had to do - but his promise wasn't finished yet, wouldn't be until they could touch each other again without fear.

"Kaoru," he said sternly, hoping the boy would hear him, as he had not heard the man who was, apparently, in charge. "Step back from the bars. You and your brother are safe, and I intend to keep it that way."


poetryinfashion April 15 2008, 17:45:55 UTC
"No, we're not safe! Here is not safe no matter where we go!" He cried, still trying to reach for Hikaru.

But his brother looked awful... awful in the sense that he was being quiet for once and really sullen. It wasn't like him at all. Kaoru had known from Hikaru's journal entry awhile back that he was really shaken up by Axel's... death.

But he heard mumblings about dynamite being thrown in the general direction of the bars.

"Hikaru... please, just look at me and then get back so they can try to get you guys out of here."


(The comment has been removed)

lolwaterlol April 15 2008, 03:09:47 UTC
Demyx had been keeping himself from the troubles he, and everyone else, had to endure through various ways; like sleeping, talking, writing in the journal, humming melodies and creating songs that his fingers itched to play out on his sitar.

But suddenly, there were people piling in. And they weren't guards! Could it really one of the rescue teams? At hearing Batman say Zexion's name, Demyx shot to his feet and smiled. "Zexy?" He asked, overjoyed that the other nobody was here. Demyx really needed to see a familiar face.

Even with the obvious joy of finally having someone come to the rescue, Demyx was still dreadfully tired and weak like the others. But still, he was able to smile.


book_of_mirage April 15 2008, 04:26:43 UTC
((hurts my arm to post this. i don't care.)

Zexion was about to go examine the crystal, as Bruce had said, but as he heard Demyx's voice, he chose otherwise.

"Demyx?" he said in response, moving to where the other Nobody's voice was. He knelt outside the bars.

There was something strange about this. It was the first time he'd seen another of his kind in person since coming to Rivelata, and the first time he'd seen Demyx in nearly a year.

It was strange, that. Demyx wasn't exactly high on his list, but he was certainly better than Axel, and no matter how fond he was of Larxene...

"We will get you out as soon as we can," He reached a hand through the bars to the other Nobody. "This I promise."

He frowned, then. "Where's Axel's body? Is it still here...?"


lolwaterlol April 15 2008, 18:59:47 UTC
When Zexion extended his hand, Demyx immediately moved forward and latched onto it, leaning against the bars with his forehead pressed to the cold metal. It had been a very long time since Demyx had last seen Zexion as well (seeing as he was dead in the time period Demyx had been extracted from). But those things were not on Demyx's mind -- Zexion was here and alive now, wasn't he?

"Ugh, finally." The tired blond replied, laughing a little. "It's awfully boring to spend two weeks or whatever it was down here..." Although his cheerful spirits were dampened, it was still clear to see that they were still present.

Demyx nodded his head. "Yeah, it's over... what?" He had turned his head to look at the spot where Axel's body had been, but saw nothing. Confused, Demyx looked around the whole cave, and when he looked back to Zexion, his teal eyes were wide with both confusion and fright. "He was right over there! That doesn't make sense!"


book_of_mirage April 15 2008, 20:06:46 UTC
"It's... very strange," he said. "Strange indeed."

At that moment, Riku tapped his shoulder, and he realized that he was going to have to move.

"Demyx, you're going to need to move back from the bars - the others are going to try to use an explosive to open this. We'll speak more later."

With that, he let go and moved to examine the crystal.


oldclock April 15 2008, 03:17:40 UTC
Miranda heard them before she saw them. With no care whatsoever towards the condition of her ankle, she rose to her feet. It was weird. So weird. She’d been here so long, and gotten so used to these faces in the cave. So used to this small group of people. Now there were others here that she didn’t know, and she found a strange feeling rising in her chest. She was ecstatic. Someone had found her, and Cross was safe back in the village ( ... )


pilferess April 15 2008, 05:01:42 UTC
Rikku headed back towards Miranda and Rosa. She felt... She didn't even know how she felt now. Axel's body was gone, and there was someone pretending to be him out in the real world, and it seemed like freedom was very, very close now. Maybe it was relief. She was definitely excited.

Anyone could see Miranda was having trouble walking. Rikku hoped that once they were out of this cave they'd be able to do something about that. Better hope we don't run into any real trouble, either. Rikku looked back towards their rescuers. They seemed... a little worse for the wear, but not too bad. She'd heard that the other group had had a lot of problems--someone had died, even. She was glad this group hadn't faced the same difficulties.

Rikku headed back towards Miranda. "Here, lean on me," she offered. Rikku turned back to Rosa. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"


rose_of_baron April 15 2008, 05:16:22 UTC
Rosa turned her hand up in response to the touch that had settled upon her own. Just.. holding it. For a while she could not look up to muster the smile or the words to tell Miranda that everything was fine. Everything was or would be fine. Especially now. But after she had tried so hard to be diligent and clear-headed, suddenly sinking into the delayed relapse was not encouraging, or constructive, to herself or any others. And worst yet she would worry her new friends ( ... )


pilferess April 15 2008, 19:49:25 UTC
Rikku wasn't sure who Rosa was talking about, but it sounded important. "Maybe he couldn't," Rikku ventured. "Or maybe he started out with them, but couldn't make it all the way. I mean, that one team got attacked really bad, y' know? Maybe he had to turn back."

Rikku hesitantly placed her hand on Rosa's shoulder. "I'm sure he--whoever he is--still cares. Maybe he's waiting back home, getting some kind of big... welcome home party together," Rikku suggested.


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