(no subject)

May 18, 2010 00:20

WHO: Kanda Yuu (kuro_hasu ) and anyone who crosses his path~
WHAT: A nightly stroll.
WHERE: Streets of Rivelata
WHEN: 4 days after this log

[It has been 5 days since he arrived to this bizarre, dream-like place. The concept of time was much easier to keep when you could see the change from light of day to the dark of night. It was something Yuu had not experienced prior to Rivelata and it still left him in a bit of an awe. He would never admit to looking out his window just to observe how many things he did not know worked. Or that he would occasionally open the strange journal to see what sort of being inhabited the place.

Those were stupid things he wasn't interested in. Of course.

However, It was much more pleasant and calm than to deal with Alma and the bitch-woman, Fou. He did all he could in his power to evade seeing them, even if it meant staying in his room all day. Food had been something he couldn't dismiss. The first pangs of hunger had left him extremely confused- it was his monitor's duty to make sure he ate at proper times- and was forced to ask for something at times.

Other than that Yuu had talent in staying out of people's way.

And tonight, it occurred to him that he wanted some fresh air.

He opened his window and looked down. It shouldn't be too hard.

Once out in the street, Yuu looked to either side before running. He didn't want to wait for the woman to notice he was gone.]

!quicklog, kanda yu, !open, robin/carrie kelley

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