Now this is what it's like when worlds collide.

Feb 18, 2010 23:13

WHO: Grell & Jam
WHAT: A fortuitous meeting!
WHERE: Somewhere in the residential district.
WHEN: Today!

Now who's the light and who is the devil? )

oc - jam, grell sutcliff

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Comments 24

atwistedfancy February 22 2010, 12:10:09 UTC
Bound to notice. He'd been noticed. That stood out sharply in his mind, echoing with a dangerous edge to it, even more so than his vague offense at being on the shorter end of a meeting for once. That second issue was decidedly easily taken care of, though.

Jam rose carefully to his considerable full height, long limbs unfolding and straightening with the slow stateliness of a crane's. "Who are you?" he asked, fighting to keep his voice smooth and calm as it always was, fighting to keep out the edge of panic at being caught and disgust at being touched. Neither would help him very much just now, he knew.


chainsaw_juliet February 22 2010, 12:34:14 UTC
And he wondered suddenly if fear could be edible because even the barest twitch to the stranger's expression belied an inner battle with instinct. He wanted to know if he could somehow taste that fear and if he could do so would the taste be on the man's lips?

"Death." Grell answered truthfully with a smile full of sharp teeth. "I am the Reaper and my children are those with whom you toy." He stepped closer, leaning against the tree and gauging the ever so handsome stranger.

"I don't mind though. It's quite a talent you have there, love." Another high-pitched giggle. "But you're all hands-off when your talent would best compliment a more hands-on experience."


atwistedfancy February 22 2010, 16:22:52 UTC
Jam forced a calm over himself. He'd been found, he'd been touched, but it didn't seem as though his tormentor had any particularly malicious intentions. Of course it was no reason to let his guard down, but he could relax ever so slightly.

And relax he did. Jam took a breath, squared his shoulders, and allowed an expression of cool, though mild, interest to creep over his face. He even went so far as to ignore those sharp teeth, unsettling as they were. He had created far worse things than those in dreams, of course -- but then, they were only in dreams.

"Death," he said, thoughtfully, and a tiny smile hinted at the corners of his mouth. "A pleasure, Death. I'm Dream." He crossed his arms over his chest, easing further into the nonchalant role. "But please, do continue, I'm not sure I take your meaning. Hands-on?"


chainsaw_juliet February 22 2010, 23:13:48 UTC
"Dream~" He echoed with a giggle. "Oh my~ that certainly changes a few things..."

"Do you work your magic with those pretty glowing eyes of yours?" Grell asked, playfully wagging his finger at him. "My victims have their records tampered with and it makes things interesting when I collect them. You see-"

He pushed away from the tree, pacing merrily with a sprightly step.
"I watch their memories like one would watch a Flicker Picture. I get to know their bittersweet lives and then log it away." Looking over his shoulder he gave him a wink. "But sometimes I come across records that bear alterations."

"Makes this game fun, yes, but why not stick around to play~?" Grell suggested with a cheeky smile. "Why not work with me and play a part in shaping them to be the monsters you hint at behind closed eyes?"

He stepped in close suddenly, a lunge forward so close their noses almost touched.
"Why not help me paint them red?"


atwistedfancy February 23 2010, 12:06:36 UTC
Jam listened to this with an interested patience, picking what clues he could out of it about the nature of the odd man before him. Perhaps he truly was Death, and wouldn't that be interesting? More likely, Jam supposed, the man was the mortal version that had arrived on the island same as everyone else.

Still. Such a thing was more than interesting enough for him.

A smile was flickering across his face -- though it did fade a little at the sudden closeness between them. He took a careful step back to regain some personal space, and then allowed that smile its place again.

"If you think I don't make monsters," he murmured, pleased, "Then you haven't seen the finished results of some of my finer projects." The smile stretched a little wider. "Which, of course, doesn't mean I'm not interested. I'm ever on the lookout for new games, as it were."


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