So a nun and a vampire walk into an orphanage...

Sep 18, 2009 14:30

WHO: God Eye Galatea "Sister Latea" sightlessgod and Jan Valentine bitchin_beanie
WHAT: A meeting!
WHERE: The orphanage, duh.
WHEN: Today...morning-ish? Definitely before Sachiko's nightmare, orz.

The vampire says to the nun, ❝So this is where I get a kid's meal, right?❞ )

jan valentine, galatea, place - mendelssohn orphanage

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Comments 11

bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 20:03:03 UTC
He wasn't really gonna eat any of them. Well. Probably not. Jan leaned against the iron fencing around the orphanage, chin leaned in one of his pamls and idly watching the roaming little buffets at play. It was pretty damn tempting, he'd give them that.

It was sort of like, he mused, going to one of those ridiculously fucking expensive chocolate shops. They had all those goddamn tasty-looking balls of goodness, just waiting to be snatched up and eaten. But they were all almost so small that it wasn't even worth it. Not to mention the glass casing, sorta like this fence.

So he'd just watch. A window-shopper, you might say. He licked his lips hungrily though, watching one especially fat little fucker waddle around.


sightlessgod September 18 2009, 20:39:06 UTC
"There he is, Sister," The little girl led Galatea by the hand, a short distance away from the iron fence. "Right over there."

She didn't have to direct Galatea further, she merely called to the man from where she was standing. She sounded very calm, friendly, even. There was no need for aggression. Not just yet, anyway. Still, she shifted her position somewhat so that the child was behind her back. You could never be too cautious in these sorts of situations.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you lost?"


bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 20:44:21 UTC
"Nnnnnope." Jan didn't even look at the speaker, only shifted to see around her better. She was blocking out the fat fucker over there. The one that looked like, with some cheese and a bit of ketchup, he'd make a damn good burger substitute.

A second or two later though, Jan suddenly realized just who he was trying to see around. Galatea. Crazy blond chick with all the hair. Never actually met her before, but he recognized the mass of hair from the journals. A grin split his face.

"Heeeeyyy! I know your ass. Sup, bitch?"


sightlessgod September 18 2009, 20:56:05 UTC
Ah, and she recognized that voice, unfortunately. Her easy smile didn't waver, but she gently nudged the child behind her, urging her to go back inside. Now that she had heard his voice, she pinpointed his location and eerily enough, stared directly at him. She laced her fingers together in front of her, and for all the world looked like nothing more than a (particularly statuesque), demure nun.

"Jan Valentine. Good morning. And is there any particular reason I've been graced with your utterly charming presence today?" She thought, belatedly, that she didn't have her sword. But that was well enough; she'd fight him hand to hand if she was forced to today.


bitchin_beanie September 18 2009, 21:38:16 UTC
Yeah, okay, that was a little creepy, but nothing Jan couldn't take! So he kept the grin on his face, even if she wouldn't actually see it, and -- hang on. If she was blind then she was pretty much no threat, right? No reason to be creeped out at all.

He hopped lightly over the fence, moving and quickly somewhat quietly, (he could do that when he wanted to, sure) and came to a stop just a foot or two away from Galatea. Her question, apparently, hadn't even been heard. Far more interesting was the hand he waved in front of her face, and an intensely curious look accompanied it.


sightlessgod September 18 2009, 23:28:57 UTC
She heard him hop over the fence, heard him scuttle across the yard in front of him, and the easy smile never left her face, even as he began to wave his hand in front of her. She allowed him this asinine indulgence for a moment or two, and then, lightning-fast, grabbed his arm in mid-wave.

And squeezed. Not enough to break it, of course, but enough to let him know that she was surprisingly strong. "I asked you a question." And again, she stared right at him. Her smile had lost some of its gentleness: now, it looked more like a smirk. "But perhaps you didn't hear me. Why are you here? I didn't think you were the sort who liked children."


bitchin_beanie September 19 2009, 02:36:46 UTC
He'd just been starting to grin for amusement when what the fuck who even moved that fast? The grin disappeared in a hurry, a surprised grimace replacing it, and he did his best to jerk his hand back again. Bitch was strong!

"Me? Just passin' by!" His expression had changed again, and this time the obnoxiously sweet leer was more than clear in his voice. "Saw all these tasty little -- I mean fuckin', you know, darling little children, thought I'd watch their adorable antics for a while. Kids are fuckin' great, you know."


sightlessgod September 21 2009, 00:44:38 UTC
She kept her hold on his arm and tightened her grip a bit more, just so that she could be certain she was in control for the moment. Valentine reminded her of a particularly ill-mannered and foul mouthed dog. With any luck, she'd be able to intimidate him and thus would avoid having to take any further action.

"Of course." Not surprisingly, she was still smiling. "Thought you might...ah, snatch one of the little ones up while no one was looking, yes? An easy meal, right?"


bitchin_beanie September 24 2009, 16:30:01 UTC
Jan didn't even try to stop the pathetic whine. His arm fucking hurt, who did that? Had such a firm grip with such a mild face? Every line of his lanky form spoke of a whining cringe, and his voice followed suit.

"Yeah, well, y'know. Orphans. Not like anyone'd miss 'em. Hell, I'd be doin' this place a favor! One less mouth to feed, right?"


fail baww sightlessgod September 29 2009, 02:40:46 UTC
Finally, Galatea's smile faded, and though she realized that tightening her grip on his arm any further would possibly cause actual damage, she made no attempt to let him go.

"I would miss them. I'm going to give you the luxury of a warning, Valentine. If I catch you anywhere near this place or the children, I am going to be forced to hurt you. I'd rather not have to resort to violence, but I don't intend on putting up with you either."

And at that, she smiled again. "Is that understood?"


bitchin_beanie September 30 2009, 15:05:49 UTC
Jan grew serious for an instant. Just an instant. But in that time the grin faded, gold eyes watched Galatea consideringly -- even his posture straightened a fraction.

"Yeah." With just the one word his slouching act slid back into place again, though now the grin reflected a jaded amusement rather than lecherous cringing. "Don't get your little nun-panties all wadded up, Christ! You think I don't know there'd be, like, twenty-eight people ready to kick my ass from here to the castle and back again if I tried it? Gimme some goddamn credit!"


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