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Comments 11

shiny_side July 9 2009, 02:07:31 UTC
Kaylee had taken up a perch atop a mooring post at one of the smaller docks, empty of boats and with a decent view of the area. After scanning her ever-changing journal until her eyes went funny, she'd contented herself with watching the great dance of the crowds arriving and departing, swirling with exotic color and faces and dress styles.

After a while, though, her mind began to wander and she found herself scrutinizing the faces around her with a crease in her brow. Her eyes grew brighter at every clean-shaven, fair-skinned visage framed by short dark hair, and dulled when they grew closer and proved to be just another stranger. Not that she would want for anyone else from Serenity to get stranded here, of course, but...well whenever there was a scrape, they were always in it together. Even when they'd left Simon on that dusty little moon, he'd had River to keep his spirits up ( ... )


Shall I reply to you and you post a new comment? Or just new comments everytime? ferntickled July 9 2009, 02:48:34 UTC
At the call of her name Molly spun around and pinpointed the voice.
"Miss Kaylee!" Laughing delightedly, the maid ran to meet her. Grasping her hands, she held them firmly and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you- welcome to Rivelata!"

"You're probably quite tired and in want of a shower and a meal." Molly said sympathetically, patting her hands. "Let's get you to the Estate and you can unwind a little."

She led the young woman through the docks and back through the Market Square milling with activity.
"Our market is divided into the food market, the artisan market, the bars and inns, and the high-end laneways." She explained, happy to play the tour guide to help Kaylee settle in. "This is where most of the Arrivals work but if you like, you can come work with me. It's not hard at all and you're given lodging and food and a very tidy wage."


Hadn't really given it much thought! :oa New comments every time is fine by me shiny_side July 9 2009, 04:26:29 UTC
Kaylee's somber reverie broke the moment she saw Molly burst from the crowd. If that wasn't just the sweetest-lookin' little lady she'd ever seen!...
"'s nice to meetcha too, Molly! Thanks so much fer meetin' me here."

She hopped off her post with a grin fit to split her head in two and tripped along hand-in-hand with her guide. Her eyes resumed their starstruck oggling of the streets and the people and all the lovely new things.

"Wow, everythin's so...so fancied up 'n pretty!" She couldn't find the words to say how much the Market alone tickled her fancy. If the rest of the city was like this, it'd be like a childhood dream come true.

Oh right, important stuff. "Uhhh, work? Yeah, I'll help ya out around the place for puttin' me up, but I dunno how good I'd be at butlerin' and the like - only ever had my own little bunk to keep tidy. Well, and the kitchen. When there was food in it." Her stomach gurgled to remind her that she hadn't yet had breakfast... although the local time would put it more towards dinner.


ferntickled July 9 2009, 05:18:48 UTC
"Fancied up?" Molly echoed with a laugh. "You just wait until you see where my Master lives. The entire street is full of fancy houses and fancy people." Her grin was cheeky, full of mischief because it had been quite a shock for her too the first time she had seen the upper housing area.

As for work...
"Well there are lots of things you can do at the Estate," Molly began, "cooking, cleaning, gardening or perhaps even delivering orders to clients around here."

The market district soon grew less crowded the further they walked until it gave way to the long path that would lead to the housing district.
"Is your climate like this?" The maid asked, gesturing around her. "We've just come out of our rainy season, so it's a little humid."

Soon houses began to line the streets and as they walked the houses began to take on grander appearances.


shiny_side July 10 2009, 05:50:55 UTC
Kaylee kept up a bright smile and kept her ambivalence towards the prospect of being a full-time domestic to herself. Molly sure did seem to love it, so she'd give it a try and repay the kindness of her host best she could, but she rather liked the market area. As the smell of the sea - so like the tangy metals of Serenity's engine room - faded behind them, she decided she'd go back to have another look around first chance she got.

"Whew...not really." She wiped a curtain of sweat from her forehead. "I mean, engine gives off a lotta body-heat sometimes when she's runnin' hot, but the ship's usually pretty cool. We gotta worry 'bout freezin' more'n cookin'...'s the thing about space - there's lots of it, not enough heat to go 'round."

Her talking slowed as her attention started to wander from the ever-finer dwellings to the strange plants she'd never seen before. In fact, the whole abundance-of-green-stuff thing was pretty novel.


ferntickled July 11 2009, 01:41:29 UTC
She was, if anything, an extremely obersevant young lady and if Kaylee was fascinated by the hustle and bustle of the marketplace- Molly did not miss it.
"You know," she began, "the Master sources all his fabrics and trims within the Artisan district at the Market."

She let the words linger as though pausing for thought, fumbling for her key and opening up the door to the servants' quarters. Molly let Kaylee take in the grandness of the Estate; the property spanned a quite a length of the area with its four different gardens surrounding each side of the abode.

"I can't always run around and fetch them if he and I are working on a commission." The maid finally continued, ushering Kaylee inside. "Perhaps you could work in the market district? We used to have a boutique there before we moved it back to the Estate. It has room to live upstairs and you could manage all the Master's fabric orders for me to pick up."


aaauuugh I fail so hard I'm sorry ;o; shiny_side July 16 2009, 00:29:19 UTC
"Uh huh..." Kaylee's brain couldn't be bothered for a better reply; it was too busy getting dazzled by Molly's gorgeous home. Having grown up on something of an outback world, she'd never been much affected by central-planet displays of wealth which centered around expensive objects in expensive cases with expensive security riggings. What she could appreciate, though, was the very tangible richness of wide-open, well-tended land.

She shuffled a little clumsily through the quarters; her feet had suddenly forgotten how to work, and the whole weight of this day was growing heavier on her head by the minute.

"Boutique?" She echoed, her mind suddenly flashing back to the Market, then a different planet entirely, then the wall of her bunk where one of her fondest treasures was hanging. "Y'mean, I could have a store with all them fancy dressin's like lords an' ladies got?" She bit her lip, a million emotions flickering behind her eyes, excitement beating them all out by virtue of it being the easiest to process at the moment.


Naww s'fine! *hugs* ferntickled July 16 2009, 02:15:16 UTC
Molly laughed, not unkindly as she saw the exhaustion so very visible in Kaylee's movements. She placed her hands on Kaylee's shoulders ushering her to the bathroom where a hot bath awaited.
"Well, they wouldn't be able to buy anything off the rack. The Master makes all the clothing for each client. But you'll run a boutique with displays and all the fabrics for them to choose." She placed a fluffy towel on the rack.

"I'll get your room ready and have some clothes waiting for you with some light supper." The maid laughed softly. "Then you can finally catch some rest!"


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