i pour out onto the floor // like liquid white from fallen glass // nothing to cry over

Apr 20, 2009 03:48

WHO: Isley of the North [isleyofthenorth], Jenny [loverunning]
WHAT: CHARACTER DEATH. Also, Isley needed sum dinnar.
WHERE: The Market, alleyways, etc.
WHEN: Tonight just before sunrise.
WARNINGS: This log involves some form of CANIBALISM. That is someone EATING a HUMAN BEING. Read at your own risk.


It was easier to sleep with a clear head. For the past while, almost a month, it was just the confusion of dealing with her father, who had returned, but couldn't remember her. Apparently from the past(it was the only reason she could think of), from before he had even been to the planet she'd come from. He was a different man -- not the man she remembered being on this island before. Not the man who would have freaked out upon discovering Jenny spent most of her nights in the basement with Jack.

The rain was light, hitting the cobblestone roads without so much a sound. Her footsteps were quiet taps against the road as she stared at the reflections of the lamp posts in the puddles. A soft sigh escaped her as she stuffed her hands in her pockets.

It was going to be a long night.


Rivelata was hell for Isley. Being pulled away from the now conquered Southern lands irritated him. But the icing on the cake was his powers. They were nearly gone, leaving him almost defenseless in his weakened state. He was still trying to figure out if it was the battle or just this place.

Upon arriving, He quickly retreated to the Jungle. It was the only place that seemed to grant the hiding he needed. From the Claymores and from Riful. He clicked his teeth, obviously not happy that she was here. There was nothing he could do though. In his state, she would have his head in a matter of minutes. So all he could do was sit and heal in the Jungle, hoping she wouldn't come to find him.

Now it was days after arriving. He was absolutely starving at this point. He held back enough so he could heal, only eating every now and then. Having his body healed, he could feel the hunger pulling him. He needed food now.

Real food.

He stalked around the Jungle edge, staying just out of sight. Surely someone would be dumb enough to walk at this time at night. He slipped into the shadows as he went on a hunt, stopping when his luck came up. He followed the blonde girl for a few feet, walking to get a bit of a ways in front of her.

When Isley finally stepped into the light, he had his back turned to her. He waited until she was fairly close before turning around. He let her get a look of him before walking away into the alley again, already knowing she would follow. Humans were like that. Their curiosity would get in the way and she was no different.

Curiosity always did kill the cat.

He slunk away in the shadows, waiting for her to walk into the obvious trap. He'd wait until she would stop. By now, he was so sure about each move she would make. They all did the same. They would follow after, stop, and then look around.

A smirk came over his lips as she did just that, stopping half way in the alley. He didn't waste a second as he grabbed her from behind, his eyes a bright yellow. For some reason, he didn't kill her just yet. He wanted to play with her first. Relish her screams and cries of help as he devoured her stomach. He turned her, feeling a shiver of thrill run up his spine as she fought.

Oh he sure loved it when they did.


Nothing but fear ran through her when she felt him grabbing her, tossing her around, pinning her against the wall. But she was raised to fight, a child of the machine -- she was programmed to fight for war. With all her strength, she managed a good punch -- but that was the end of that. He was stronger then her, and overpowered her far too easily.

Fear and anxiety prickled up her spine, tingling through every inch of her skin. It wasn't so much that he was pinning her down, against the wall, but it was the intent. She knew he had horrible intentions, and that she could do nothing. Except scream -- and that, she did.

She struggled, tried to get herself free, but nothing was working. There was no escape from this man -- this man so much stronger than herself.


The punch did nothing to Isley. If anything, it made his body tingle more in excitement. Oh she sure was a fighter alright! It excited him to hear her start screaming. Something about the primal noise just made this all worth while. He leaned down to sniff, a low growl erupting.

She smelled beautiful. It took everything in him to drag this out.

One hand gripped Jenny's neck, effectively holding her still. Or as still as she would be. His other hand reached to grip her shirt, ripping it away from her. He leaned his head against her stomach, taking a deep breath. He gave a lick to her skin before he smirked, opening his mouth to sink his teeth into her stomach.

His head jerked to the side, ripping a huge hole into her stomach. He ate at the skin in his mouth, his free hand closing over the hole to make sure nothing escaped her stomach. He pulled the hand away to lick at her blood, turning his head toward the hold to start on his feast of entrails.

Isley ripped and tugged each organ out to savor, taking his sweet time with his meal. The meal was great, as was her screams of pain. Each tug made her scream louder, sending shivers of excitement through his body.

Half way though his meal, he started to become irritated. Her screaming made him happier earlier but now, they were just annoying. He stopped to glare at her, blood dripping from his chin. A low growl came out of his mouth, almost in warning. He wanted her to stop screaming. If she didn't, he would have no choice but to snap her neck.


All her fear had vanished in exchange for excruciating pain. He was devouring her alive. An idea that she couldn't even bring herself to think of as disgusting, but, rather, utterly painful, seeing as she was the unfortunate victim of his hunger.

No matter how much she had screamed, no one would answer. No one was coming to her rescue, not that it mattered as her wounds were probably going to end up killing her as it was. "Stop... Stop!" She yelled, weakly trying to push him away. It wasn't going any good -- she was looking blood at a rapid rate, and the pain good lord the pain was enough to kill her on it's own if she wasn't so damn determined to live.

She gathered up what she could of her voice and screamed, "JACK!" A deep breath, "DOCTOR!" But there was no use -- it wasn't as though anyone was going to hear her screams. If they would, they already would have come to her rescue. But she refused to admit that there was no hope.


His growl turned into an animalistic roar, ready for her to just stop the noise. He gave her one last look before he clenched his hand against her neck, using his fingers to rip her throat out. He brought his other hand up to hold her by her chest against the alley wall, devouring the handful of skin in his one. He watched the life drain from her eyes, embracing the silence.

Isley finished his meal, standing up. He let the blonde fall to the ground, licking his hands. He licked the blood from his hands, feeling very satisfied. He looked down at the broken body before him, contemplating on what to do. Should he leave her or..? He smirked, leaning down to pick up the dead girl.

He creeped around the town, stopping in front of the tall pole that stood in the middle. Perfect. He jumped, holding Jenny out in his arms. With one swift throw, he impaled her onto the the pole. He landed on one of the roofs, staring at her.


Jenny hung from the pole, the pole going straight through her chest. Her lifeless body hung off of it like a ragdoll, her eyes wide open in pain. Blood slowly dripped out of the wound and down the pole. Her stomach was ripped open, the usual human contents that were inside, were gone. The back of her head touched the pole, most of her throat having been torn away.

Isley licked the new drops of blood from his hands. He admired his work for a few more minutes, his smirk nearly taking over his face. He finally fled back to the jungle when the sun started to peek over the horizon, leaving the broken body to be found by the other residents.

Ω jenny, Ω isley, place - market district

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