Quest to Find Giselle! [open]

Mar 23, 2008 12:34

WHO: Prince Edward and Giselle, plus whoever would like to pop in. Preferably before he finds Giselle. <3
WHAT: Prince Edward is off TO FIND GISELLE. He hasn't realised he has a journal yet.
WHERE: Many places within the Marketplace. He is wandering.
WHEN: Immediately after he gets off the boat. XD

My life partner, my one coquette, the answer to my love's duet: Giselle! )

Ω hitachiin kaoru, place - eagle's splendour, kuja, Ω prince edward, Ω lauren reed, Ω giselle

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Comments 56

dancewithadevil March 23 2008, 22:32:25 UTC
After the disaster that was meeting Peter and Adam, Lauren had found herself walking back to the market area. She needed to clear her head and blow off some steam, or she probably wouldn't be able to stop herself from stabbing Adam.

Things were fairly dull and quiet for a long-while, and Lauren was growing extremely bored when a booming voice caught her attention. There was someone walking through the crowd animatedly, and Lauren squinted her eyes to get a look at who was making all the racket. Oh - sweet Merlin. He looked as though he had just crawled off of a Disneyland parade, puffy sleeves and sword and all.

Lauren wasn't sure whether to laugh or walk in the opposite direction very, very fast. It was a seemingly difficult decision to make. The amusement factor soon won out.

"Would you mind terribly if you found her a tad quieter?" she called over to the Prince, perched up against a side wall several feet away from him.


melodramawhut March 23 2008, 23:14:33 UTC
Prince Edward turned toward the mysterious voice and almost drew his sword. Oh. It was a girl. It wasn't proper to hurt girls.

"Lady, I cannot rest until I find my fair Giselle. She could be anywhere within this city and if she cannot hear my call then she cannot know that I am looking for her."

He stood, arms akimbo and then raised his hand to the sky.

"I will find my Giselle, answer to my love's duet!"


dancewithadevil March 23 2008, 23:35:00 UTC
Lauren uncrossed her arms and watched Edward closely, still finding him so incredibly odd, partly wondering if she had fainted from exhaustion at some point and none of this was really happening.

"Giselle, is it?" she repeated, lips pursing in slight thought. No, that name didn't register with anyone she had come into contact with. Then again, Lauren mused to herself that she would have remembered spotting Cinderella walking by. "Your girlfriend, or wife, is she?"

She blinked at his movements, smirk promptly clear on her lips.

"Yes, yes, and I'm sure you will find her," she drawled quickly, already becoming rather irritated with his reactions. "But there are surely more productive ways to conduct your search? More thorough, more in-depth." Less disturbing.


melodramawhut March 24 2008, 00:58:11 UTC
"Giselle is the answer to my love's duet, my one true love!"

Prince Edward stated this very matter-of-fact, as if that would explain everything. He watched as she smirked and thought about her words. But not very hard, because he'd get wrinkles if he thought too hard - his mother told him that.

"Then what do you suggest, Lady?"


de_novo_xiii March 24 2008, 02:05:07 UTC
"And some beeswax, thanks." Kuja waved at the owner to hurry along. People were just so slow weren't they? The genome was busy stockpiling on materials he'd later on concoct natural beauty products out of. He was sick and tired of soap and water.

He wanted his perfumed soaps and shampoos and some hair conditioner and make up and if he had to make them himself then he bloody well would.

"Oh my." He blinked at the loud newcomer, for surely he could not have been a local. Kuja laughed behind his hand, shaking his head. "At least he isn't moping about being dumped here. A man with a purpose, I like that."

Tucking the items he had bought into his shopping basket, Kuja smoothed his blouse to sit neater beneath his underbust corset. He approached the flamboyantly dressed man.

"Looking for someone, darling?"


melodramawhut March 24 2008, 02:16:34 UTC
Prince Edward ignored whatever the other girl had been about to say and turned to this new one. A new person meant, perhaps, a person that knew Giselle. He stood, head held high, and addressed the lady.

"Yes, she's the answer to my love's duet, my one true love and her name is Giselle."

Prince Edward thought (but again, not too hard) and decided it was probably good to introduce himself.

"I am Prince Edward of Andalasia. What is the name of this place? The locals speak strangely here."


de_novo_xiii March 24 2008, 02:39:47 UTC
"Your love's duet?" Kuja couldn't help but giggle. "Do men really believe in that still? Do women still fall for that, sweetie?" The blank, owlish look on his face made Kuja laugh but not unkindly.

"Nevermind. I'm Kuja. You're stuck here on a forsaken island called 'Rivelata'. There are a few of us here who were plucked from our world and dumped here."

The Genome sighed, flicking his hair over one shoulder. "We stick out from the locals- you'll be able to understand us since we don't speak the native language."

Kuja pouted,running a finger on the sleeve of his doublet. "You're going to need new clothes sweetie, if you want to look dashing for your Princess."


melodramawhut March 24 2008, 02:47:37 UTC
"Of course! What other way is there to tell who you love?"

Prince Edward had that blank look on his face again. Honestly, this land was weird. He shook his head a little and paid attention to the lady again.

"New clothes?"

And why would he need new clothes? He looked dashing already! Well, except for that loose thread and that salt stain . . . Okay. Maybe he did need new clothes. If only to show that he was royal and he would act like it.

"Alas, I have no money on my person. Nor do I know where to find such things."


de_novo_xiii March 24 2008, 10:36:51 UTC
Kuja also valued looking one's best. He preened Edward's cape.
"Valentino velvet, right? I can get this spotless, don't you worry. As for your outfit, it'll have to go." He tisked, plucking at a tattered hole.

"Unfortunately the fabrics created on this island aren't up to my standards, but they're lovely enough. And Kaoru here does such marvelous work with what he's given."

Plucking a few garments off the shelves, he placed the garments into Edward's arms.
"Go on love, try them on! You want to look splendid for your Giselle, don't you?"


melodramawhut March 25 2008, 04:07:40 UTC
Prince Edward, being the very agreeable person he was, let himself be pushed into the changing room. He was somewhat relieved that such nice people were readily available in this place - Rivelata was it? Well, whatever. Part of him still wished to see Giselle because, after all, he was almost positive a villainous man was keeping her locked up in a tower and making her do horrendous things like cooking and cleaning.

Beautiful maidens should never have to do something. Anything. Whatever. These clothes actually weren't that bad, Prince Edward mused. This Kuja certainly had taste, he would have to keep in touch with these people. Prince Edward was certain Giselle would appreciate fine dresses. All ladies deserved fine dresses, that's what fine dresses were for. Fine ladies.

After shifting through the selection Kuja gave him, Edward finally selected an outfit. He emerged from the dressing room arrogant as ever.

"How do I look?"


de_novo_xiii March 25 2008, 04:22:59 UTC
"Why, you look positively handsome!" Kuja laughed, clapping his hands delightedly. "Let's have a look at you, hm?" He pushed Edward to a full length mirror, preening his outfit for him.

"Look how it brings out your posture! And the collar and lapel push your chin to stand tall and proud." The genome was having a field day, cooing over Edward. Drama? What drama? He was content in dressing a fine Prince for his Princess.

He left Edward to preen his reflection, pouting at Kaoru.
"Now now, his Princess surely must be here, and a man like that-" Kuja pointed at Edward as he inspected himself, "surely isn't going to leave his 'one true love, answer to my duet' in a heartbeat."


poetryinfashion March 25 2008, 05:00:20 UTC
Kaoru had to chuckle. Kuja really knew his his stuff. "I like it to, sir!"

The boy walked around Edward again, tugging at the seams. "How does it feel though? This place is extremely humid and you'll be sweating in it in no time... Also not a good way to greet a Fair Princess." Really, he felt like he was talking to Tamaki...

"I suppose as long as you take off the jacket while walking around outside..." Kaoru removed the jacket and placed it in Edward's arm like a waiter's towel. "I think you still look just fine like that. How about it, Kuja? Also, Edward, try pulling on it... that way I can try to let out some of the seams if it's a little tight..." Really, some of the men here had the broadest shoulders and then some were so thin...


how_do_i_know March 25 2008, 05:18:37 UTC
Oh! An adventure! Giselle had been so excited to be hurried off to find this so-called "Eagle's Splendor"-- Promises of her darling Prince caused her heart to flutter in ways she never thought imaginable! Was he really here already?!

Though she'd been given directions, to the best of ... multiple peoples' abilities (she'd asked several people along the way, even though it was just down the street) she'd nearly managed to get herself lost even though it was just down the street. As it turned out, she was somewhat easily distracted by shiny things. THROUGH NO SMALL FEAT! however, she managed to find the mysterious shop and giggled in delight ... Until she saw the reflection of herself in the window. "Oh dear," she sighed as she smoothed over the fabric of her dirty, tattered dress. "I can't see Prince Edward like this! Oh...."

After a moment's contemplation, Giselle bit her lower lip and knocked thrice on the door. "Hello?" She called. "Hello, is anyone home? M-might you know where Prince Edward is?"


melodramawhut March 25 2008, 05:24:35 UTC
Prince Edward heard Giselle's voice, he was sure of it. And so, ignoring both Kuja and Kaoru, he rushed towards the door and threw it open.



how_do_i_know March 25 2008, 05:56:34 UTC
As the door flew open and she was greeted by someone she could only assume was her prince (such fancy clothes he was wearing!) she beamed happily. "Prince Edward!" She nearly shouted, barely able to contain her happiness. "I knew you would come for me!"


melodramawhut March 25 2008, 06:04:21 UTC
Prince Edward took Giselle's hand and gave her his most charming grin. He kissed her hand before bursting out into song.

"You're the fairest maid I've ever met, you were made . . ."


de_novo_xiii March 25 2008, 06:57:50 UTC
"Awww look at the lovebirds." Kuja laughed, picking up a dress, holding it to his chest and spinning around as if to mimic them. "Now there's a happy couple. Something to smile about during difficult times."

"I'm glad they found each other." He sighed, carefully redressing the mannequin he had stripped. "But he better let her go because a Princess certainly cannot go about in that dirty dress!"


poetryinfashion March 25 2008, 07:04:20 UTC
"Yes, they are lucky..." Kaoru mumbled, remembering how, not that long ago it seemed, he'd found Hikaru just outside of Eagle's Splendour and then they'd just stood there hugging for awhile...

He sighed and tried to pick up on Kuja's light-heartedness to inspire him. "Well, even though girls can be pickier, at least I have more dresses already in stock."


de_novo_xiii March 25 2008, 07:06:20 UTC
Silently, he walked straight to him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Oh darling. One day at a time, sweetheart. One day at a time."


poetryinfashion March 25 2008, 10:10:03 UTC
"I'm trying, Kuja, I really am..." Kaoru insisted, returning the hug. "I just can't stop thinking about how much I miss him."


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