Who: Brad Crawford and Schuldig What: Leaving the market fight, and returning to the safehouse Where: Streets, then the safehouse When: Day of the fight. 255?
Schuldig was not happy. His entire left side of his torso felt numb. From his shoulder to his fingers. He could feel the throbbing wound, but very little else on that side of his body. The bullet had passed through but the damage was still going to be trouble.
He stumbled a little, leaving Crawford the task of making sure no blood or evidence was left behind. He was focusing on the minds around them. Making people, even brainless sheep, ignore two men one of which was a bleeding mess, wasn't an easy job when all he wanted was to pass out.
/My head's starting to spin. Blood loss I think./ Schuldig said wearily to Crawford in German. /Are we almost home?/
/It's only half an act./ He replied as he opened his book, blood from his arm dripping onto a blank page. He was exaggerating his condition a bit, but he had started to feel weaker, which he was sure was due to bleeding.
/I'll stop whining when it stops hurting, and when I can use my arm again. Thanks again, by the way for getting me shot. I'll be sure to return the favor sometime./
/You were shot for a greater cause. You know I don't let my team get hurt unless it's absolutely necessary./
He calmly went through his journal as if he was in a comfortable study and not a stinking, damp backalley. There was something unflappable about Crawford.
/There, someone is helping, it didn't take long, just as I knew it would happen. You need to find this girl with your mind, Schuldig, and tell her to come here.../
Crawford visualised a half-broken down shop on the edge of the market district and shoved the image through the link.
/Make her feel it's safe, as insurance that she will show up alone. I don't Foresee any issues, but you never know, I'm not as accurate as I used to be./
Schuldig was glad that his telepathy was more reliable than his body sometimes. He was fast and tough, but his skill was in his head. He uttered a tired sigh and leaned more heavily against Crawford as he projected a thought out to the girl who was looking and waiting for them.
He did what he could to bury her apprehensions, so she wouldn't be spooked. They needed someone to look at his injries more than they needed to manipulate or use someone.
/alright. I did what I could, under the circumstances./
Comments 5
His entire left side of his torso felt numb. From his shoulder to his fingers. He could feel the throbbing wound, but very little else on that side of his body. The bullet had passed through but the damage was still going to be trouble.
He stumbled a little, leaving Crawford the task of making sure no blood or evidence was left behind. He was focusing on the minds around them. Making people, even brainless sheep, ignore two men one of which was a bleeding mess, wasn't an easy job when all he wanted was to pass out.
/My head's starting to spin. Blood loss I think./ Schuldig said wearily to Crawford in German. /Are we almost home?/
Brad stopped and signaled for Schuldig to do the same, as he calmly took out his journal and started writing.
/I'm getting you medical attention. I can't patch you back together when you are whining like that./
/I'll stop whining when it stops hurting, and when I can use my arm again. Thanks again, by the way for getting me shot. I'll be sure to return the favor sometime./
He calmly went through his journal as if he was in a comfortable study and not a stinking, damp backalley. There was something unflappable about Crawford.
/There, someone is helping, it didn't take long, just as I knew it would happen. You need to find this girl with your mind, Schuldig, and tell her to come here.../
Crawford visualised a half-broken down shop on the edge of the market district and shoved the image through the link.
/Make her feel it's safe, as insurance that she will show up alone. I don't Foresee any issues, but you never know, I'm not as accurate as I used to be./
He did what he could to bury her apprehensions, so she wouldn't be spooked. They needed someone to look at his injries more than they needed to manipulate or use someone.
/alright. I did what I could, under the circumstances./
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