Ayi-ayi-yai, I'm Your Little Social Butterfly [Open Thread]

Mar 19, 2008 00:15

WHO: Hitachiin Kaoru (poetryinfashion) and interested parties
WHAT: Welcoming newcomers and a Q&A session
WHERE: Eagle's Splendour clothing store, Market District, Rivelata
WHEN: 8 days after The Ball, all day {which is actually 3/19}

Kaoru closed the journal after making his announcement and sighed... )

Ω urameshi yusuke, Ω hitachiin kaoru, place - eagle's splendour, Ω riku, Ω matt (mail jeevas), Ω dist the reaper, larsa ferrinas solidor

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Comments 64

Morning (~7:30am-9am) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 04:17:07 UTC
Kaoru rushed downstairs clad in his long-sleeved white shirt, green shirt and boots. He flipped the sign out front from 'Closed' to 'Open'. He was excited, fidgiting, but he sat down on the stool near the desk to wait.


Early Afternoon (~9am-11am) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 04:17:32 UTC
Fully awake now, Kaoru kept moving around the shop, straightening wrinkles on a mannequin here, switching out the displays, and running to the back room to grab various supplies.


Noontime Q&A Session (~11am-1pm) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 04:17:59 UTC
Crossing the room, Kaoru reached out for the "Open" / "Closed" and flipped it to "Closed". Though he stayed in the back workroom, he decided he'd keep checking out front every once in awhile, but actually hoped more people would try the back door.


Re: Noontime Q&A Session (~11am-1pm) guns_and_games March 19 2008, 04:37:02 UTC
Matt had made a few sketches in the journal and was mapping out the street. This was the only way he managed to find the shop at all.

He was curious, at first, as it was the middle of the day and the place was closed. "Maybe they have tea here at noon or something?"

He looked in the windows. It was a clothing store and obviously one that was well-managed. There were hats and robes and feathers...shoes and trousers and all sorts of colours and styles. Glancing at his shirt, sucking on his cigarette, he considered it.

I don't have any other clothes. I just arrived. It might be a good chance to get to know someone or ask questions. And if they want payment of some kind...I could trade, I guess. Maybe they've got an odd job or two.

He figured he might as well see if the owner was still around and so went along the wall to the back door. He knocked before trying to knob. "Hey? Anyone home?"


Re: Noontime Q&A Session (~11am-1pm) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 04:55:54 UTC
Looking up from his work, Kaoru saw a young man at the front of the store. He set his tools down, walked to the door, and opened it inward.

"Hello..." Kaoru said pleasantly, head in-between the storefront window-wall and the door. "How can I help you?" Wait, how old is this guy? He's smoking, but... he doesn't look much older than me...


Re: Noontime Q&A Session (~11am-1pm) guns_and_games March 19 2008, 14:13:52 UTC
"Hi." Matt smiled and nodded pleasantly. This guy is just a kid... "Uh, are you...the owner? Or, the owner's son?"


Late Afternoon (~1pm-4pm) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 04:18:25 UTC
After the Session was over, Kaoru stretched in his room for a bit and washed his face. His mood refreshed, he went back downstairs to flip the sign back to "Open".


Re: Late Afternoon (~1pm-4pm) yusukegotbawls March 19 2008, 05:20:33 UTC
Yusuke had actually wandered around the city for a good hour or so before landing in front of the shop. An hour minus the twenty minutes he spent eating and looking for a place to eat, that is.

So this was the place Kurama's friend worked at. Huh. He wandered in and was accosted by fancy fabrics and bright colours. Yusuke wondered if this person could just duplicate his school uniform. He liked his school uniform, it was comfortable.

Yusuke looked around for something that even vaguely resembled his school uniform. Or jeans. Jeans were good too and he could use a new pair, what with his being ripped to shreds. Come to think of it, he needed new shoes too. Somewhere along the line, he lost one. And then he saw the redhead standing the in shop. He walked toward him.

"Uh, I'm looking for a . . ."

Yusuke thought for a moment. What was the guy's name? Kaoru something.

"A Kaoru. M'name is Yusuke, Kurama's friend."


Re: Late Afternoon (~1pm-4pm) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 05:28:32 UTC
Pausing near the front of the store, Kaoru turned to greet the young man. He took him in for a second, noticing the disheveled way he was dressed. Shuuichi had said his friend would be in dire need of a new outfit, but is this the same person...

"That's strange... I was aware I was waiting for a Yusuke, but I'm afraid I don't know a Kurama..." Wait, could that mean... Oh- He lowered his voice a little before speaking, moving his head so it would be easier for Yusuke to hear. "Is that another name Shuuichi goes by?"


Re: Late Afternoon (~1pm-4pm) yusukegotbawls March 19 2008, 05:36:19 UTC
Well fuck. Not five minutes into this crap and he already couldn't keep his names straight. He shook his head to clear it a little.

"Yeah, I guess he goes by Shuuichi here."

So. Now that all the formality of it was over, it was time to address clothes. Because as much as the little, naggy voice in his head (that sounded an awful lot like Keiko) said it was being rude . . . Well, he was getting really irked at all the funky stares.

"So, uh, you got any clothes I could borrow? Nothing fancy, jeans would be great."

Then again, all the people here dressed like they were from Meiji or something. Jeans probably wouldn't be such a good idea.

"Actually, something to fit in. This ain't much like home."


Early Evening (~4pm-7pm) poetryinfashion March 19 2008, 04:19:01 UTC
Kaoru collapsed into the stool again, feeling like he hadn't sat down since the early morning. He wiped his brow and took a few deep breaths, massaging his temples.


Re: Early Evening (~4pm-7pm) solidor_heir March 19 2008, 08:03:35 UTC
"Here." A kind voice offered. It belonged to a boy on the cusp of adolescence, not yet a young man but onlder than a child. He held an elaborate blue glass bottle, half filled with glowing green liquid. "Take a little sip- it'll refresh you. You've had a long day." His blue eyes were genuine in their concern.

"I'm Larsa." He smiled, his intonation and accent similar to what Kaoru would have identified as 'Upper English'. "I thought I would take you up on your kind offer- it is comforting to know that there are people willing to help us settle in."

Larsa took a seat, his feet barely brushing the floor. He wore the clothes of a newsboy, but the bearing of a royal.
"I have only been here a couple of days and already I seem to have become involved in a mission of sorts." He knew Kaoru understood what he spoke of. "I'm going from one bad situation to another, and I have yet to meet anyone from my world."

"Do you want to leave here too?"


Re: Early Evening (~4pm-7pm) poetryinfashion March 21 2008, 00:39:46 UTC
Kaoru took a small sip, surprised at the liquid's effects - like drinking mouthwash without the stinging in your nose. He blinked a few times and then handed it back to Larsa. "Hitachiin Kaoru and that is... a very interesting drink..."

The redhead rubbed the back of his neck - not because it ached, because nothing physical pained him anymore, but out of habit. "I can guess what that mission is. And if it's what I'm thinking of, then that's the reason I don't like this place much anymore." He sighed, closing his eyes as he did so but opening them again to look at the young man with bearing so similar to his own. "I've made some wonderful friends, though... so maybe if Hikaru comes back it won't be so bad..."


Re: Early Evening (~4pm-7pm) solidor_heir March 21 2008, 01:09:39 UTC
"It's called a Potion, noted for its healing properties." Larsa explained as he placed the bottle back into his satchel.
"A pleasure to meet you Kaoru." He said the name slowly, so as not to pronounce it incorrectly.

"You are lucky to have met such nice people," He creased his brows, tilting his head to watch the streets lit with lamps. "I seem to have arrived at a bad time and people are not exactly themselves.

"But that is not to say I am not grateful, of course," Larsa smiled at Kaoru, "for the help and friendship that some have extended to me."


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