Ich will dass ihr mir vertraut

Nov 04, 2008 22:18

WHO: the new and improved Schwartz (Crawford, Schuldig, Farfarello and Aya)
WHAT: meeting back at the safehouse and playing with the new kitten.
WHERE: Schwartz's safehouse
WHEN: Day 211 backlog

I want you to trust me. I want you to believe me. I want to control every heartbeat. )

Ω brad crawford, Ω fujimiya aya, Ω farfarello, Ω schuldig

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Comments 23

swordandshield November 5 2008, 12:30:43 UTC
Aya followed Crawford into the safehouse, glancing around with mild interest as they entered the living room. It was surprisingly nice. There were rooms. And doors. And space to move without knocking into someone else! The sofa might have been horrible, but it was a real sofa, not some hard, cramped thing barely long enough to stretch out on. Aya might have been in Rivelata for a while, but the memories of the trailer were never far away. Some experiences were just too horrible to ever forget ( ... )


ohnoyouwont November 5 2008, 15:13:23 UTC
Crawford came back from the kitchen, balancing a cup of black coffee, a plate of cooked cabbage garnished with a sausage and a potato, and a small bag that seemed to be a makeshift first aid kit.

"Here", he offered the plate to Aya and a roll of bandages slipped out of his grasp, unfurling on the floor like a streamer at a country fair, "Schuldig had left some food on the stove to keep it warm for your arrival."

The easy manner in which Crawford conducted himself clashed with the gleaming butt of a Beretta slipped into a no-frills shoulder holster. He had taken off his jacket in the kitchen, and the weapon now sat in plain view.

He put the coffee cup and some utensils on a rickety side table, dropped the first aid kit to the floor, and hunkered down next to Aya.

"Let's have a look at your ankle. You don't want to end up a sitting duck in the middle of a fight because it healed badly", he explained rationally, in order to disarm Aya's stubborness.


swordandshield November 5 2008, 23:57:50 UTC
Once upon a time, Ran had enjoyed food. He chose what to eat based on how it tasted and his mood. Aya didn't care how food tasted. As long as it allowed his body to continue functioning within normal parameters, it served its purpose and he gave it no further thought. He could eat the same instant noodles every day for a month - something he had done before - or something new every day, it made no difference to him. All he felt, as he picked up the cup and took a drink of the coffee, idly taking note of the gun and filing its location away in case of an emergency, was irritation that Schwarz had been expecting him to come back here with enough certainty that Schuldig had made him dinner ( ... )


ohnoyouwont November 6 2008, 03:20:43 UTC
"It's a bad sprain", Crawford stated before even looking at Aya's ankle. "But I need to check it, or I will create a temporal paradox."

He elevated Aya's leg slightly, and slowly dug his fingers into the inflamed flesh, rotating the foot left, then right, before feeling his way up the bones.

"You have a lot of bruising around the bone but I can't feel any breaks. Of course, it could be a hairline fracture, but in this world..." his voice trailed off, it was obvious that he thought that this world was so primitive that there was no need to verbalize it.

Instead, he rummaged into the bag, taking out a stiff piece of leather he wrapped under Aya's foot and crossed over his ankle, then secured it with bandages, slipping a finger under them to check for tightness.

"You should keep it elevated while you eat. And try not to walk on it too much so it can heal. But I'm sure you know that already."


swordandshield November 6 2008, 04:21:47 UTC
Aya submitted to the examination without complaint, refusing to acknowledge the pain beyond a narrowing of his eyes and a clenching of his hands into fists. He focused on the way Crawford spoke of knowing the cause of his injury yet needing to go through the motions anyway. It was like picking at a scab; Aya knew he would be better off ignoring it, but it held such a morbid fascination for him that he couldn't let it go. Anyone else might have just come out and asked the questions that were bothering him, especially since they were now on the same side, instead of sitting there watching the man, as if by doing so for long enough would result in understanding. Of course, anyone else would probably also be writhing around screaming by now. Aya was better at silence ( ... )


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