How Could I Possibly Refuse...[In Progress]

Sep 15, 2008 21:48

WHO: Diva (enchantingvoice) and Riful (rifulofthewest). Passers-by welcome.
WHAT: Riful meets Diva at the docks.
WHERE: The docks, and possibly the town.
WHEN: Day 171

...When I'm a stranger here myself )

Ω diva, place - docks, grell sutcliff, place - tavern, Ω riful

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Comments 23

rifulofthewest September 16 2008, 05:54:28 UTC
Riful took the cobblestone path down to the docks, skipping along the way and even sparing a cheery smile and wave to the humans she saw along the way. She'd dressed in the new outfit Mister Grell had so graciously loaned her for the occasion. Riful had learned a long time ago that appearances were important when it came to first impressions, and although she was sure she and Diva were on the same wavelength, a child clad in a blood-soaked dress might be some cause for alarm amongst the humans.

Riful did not want to draw attention, not today. Not yet. There would be time for that later. She approached Diva in the way humans might, the way ordinary girls might, by tapping her gently on the shoulder and smiling brightly.

"Hello! So nice to meet you in person!"


enchantingvoice September 16 2008, 09:32:39 UTC
Diva turned around and got to her feet, a wide smile on her innocent-looking face.

"Hello! You must be Riful!" she said cheerfully, "What a cute dress! I want one like that!"

She looked down at her own dress, soaked in seawater with sand sticking to the hemline. There was also a little hole directly over her heart with a tiny bit of blood around it, from when that human had shot her. She pouted briefly, then her face brightened again.

"You can help me find a new dress! I want one just like yours!" She giggled. "We're going to be friends, right?"


rifulofthewest September 16 2008, 13:36:05 UTC
Riful blinked and stared at her dress. It was pretty, yes, but she hadn't expected any compliments.

"Ah...yes, Mister Gre--" She caught herself immediately, her expression turning thoughtful. "Well, sure, I can help you if you want." She smiled gently and tilted her head. "Friends help each other, after all."

Her next smile was perhaps a little too wide then. The ideal was to have a little child, perhaps a little weaker than her...

Good. In this strange place, she'd finally found the best kind of friend.

"Do you really like my dress?" She asked, twirling around a bit to show off. "I bet you'd look really pretty in one just like it!"


enchantingvoice September 17 2008, 00:02:15 UTC
"Of course I like it!" said Diva enthusiastically. "Let's go and find me a dress like it!"

Diva was happy. Even though her chevaliers weren't here to serve her, she had Riful. Riful could help her with whatever she needed. Riful would be the one to serve her now. And they would be the best of friends.

"Come on!" she said to Riful as she began to skip down the path, "Let's go! It's boring just standing here! I want to do something fun!"


A Wild Grell Appears! chainsaw_juliet September 18 2008, 11:55:42 UTC
For the longest time, Grell had always wanted children. Declaring that he was willing to bear children for other handsome men never worked because of course, biologically he could not carry a child. The thought previously made him sad, but here in Rivelata Grell tucked a girl into bed every night and kissed her brow to wish her pleasant dreams. His daughter.

So it was no wonder Grell adored Riful, a little girl who reflected the other side of the Reaper. Quietly he had read the entry made by the new young girl, never commenting yet retaining all they had exchanged. The two girls were not 'young', just like Grell, and the two of them were bloodstained. Just like Grell.

Smiling to himself, he carried two bouquets for the girls. A pink one for Riful and a blue mixed one for the Diva. Little girls deserved pretty dresses too, and so in the crook of one arm hung two boutique bags full of goodies for them.
"Little Miss Riful!" Grell called sweetly. "And Lady Diva?"


Re: A Wild Grell Appears! enchantingvoice September 18 2008, 21:08:11 UTC
Diva turned at looked at the man who had just approached them. He was carrying two bouquets, and two bags that looked like they carried nice clothes.

"Who are you?" she asked.


Re: A Wild Grell Appears! rifulofthewest September 19 2008, 04:22:57 UTC
Riful had been right in the middle of trying to puzzle out exactly where they could obtain a dress when a familiar voice broke through her reverie. She smiled widely at the Reaper, recalling the fond memory of their sky snake hunt.

"Mr. Grell!" The little girl tilted her head, regarding the man and the gifts in turn. "It's so nice to see you again! Ah, and..." Riful motioned to her clothing, "Thank you for the dress."


chainsaw_juliet September 19 2008, 11:01:16 UTC
Oh weren't they just adorable, looking up at him like that? Little girls made the world a happier place, Grell had decided. Their delicate faces and dainty fingers and delightful voices.

"No need for that sweetheart, just 'Grell' will do!" The redhead fussed over her, preening her hair before smiling his trademark toothy-smile for Diva. "My name is Grell Sutcliff, Little Lady. You don't even have to remember my name, I'm just a creature who loves spoiling the creations that spoil us in return."

Poetic as ever, as Grell took her hand and kissed the back of it.
"I come bearing gifts!" He gave Riful the pink bouquet and a bag containing a black dress complete with shoes, accessories and underpinnings.
"That dress is my daughter's, so of course you need your own." He explained, kissing her brow fondly.

"And of course, a lady deserves a lovely dress to compliment her." Grell smiled at Diva once more, plucking a flower from her bouquet and tucking it behind her ear.

Ah children did make his heart all aflutter.


enchantingvoice September 19 2008, 15:48:17 UTC
Diva's eyes widened when she saw the beautiful blue dress. She smiled up at the man.

"You're name is Grell?" she said, "I love the dress!"


rifulofthewest September 20 2008, 17:54:50 UTC
Unlike Diva, Riful cared very little for dresses and other 'girly,' human things--her brief, violent childhood had been full of bloodshed, armor and sword fights. She did appreciate the sentiment however, and accepted the gifts gratefully, looking somewhat confused at the bouquet before she regained her bearings.

"Thank you!" She glanced over to Diva, giving her a quizzical look. "Is that one alright, or do we have to look for another?"


enchantingvoice September 20 2008, 22:04:16 UTC
"I love it!" said Diva. She was starting to like Rivelata. There were now two people who could serve her: a girl like her, and a man who would buy her presents. It was perfect.

"Now I want to eat. I'm thirsty."


chainsaw_juliet September 21 2008, 02:53:03 UTC
Grell was used to serving people- he was far more comfortable answering to a superior than leading others. But Diva would be wrong to think he would serve her constantly. No contract lay between them, and he would be more of a doting uncle than a servant.

Let her think what she wants for now, Grell decided.

"I have just the thing for hungry little darlings." He smiled brightly, taking their hands and guiding them along. "This place is always full of food and the two of you are very welcome to use it."

The Queen's hitman had hot spots to visit, of course. Places teeming with criminals and vile creatures that didn't deserve to live. Commoners would be oblivious to such hideouts, but the gaze of a Death God was hard to avoid.

Through some streets, questionable alleyways and finally into a rundown part of town. There stood a few taverns and gambling houses crawling with whom the Queen dubbed 'bad people'.

"There we are, and I believe the special today is conniving harlot and jilted lover with a hint of stolen fine wine and braised


enchantingvoice September 21 2008, 04:59:49 UTC
Diva smiled as she followed Grell through the streets. She was very thirsty. Unlike most people, Grell didn't seem to mind that she killed people to eat. Even big sister Saya didn't accept it. This would be fun. She giggled.

"They sound delicious!"


rifulofthewest September 22 2008, 14:02:31 UTC
Riful was no servant, nor a slave. Even as a Claymore she'd had very little oversights--being number one had its benefits, and as a fabled Abyssal One, she was the one that gave orders.

Still, if it would keep Diva docile until Riful had a better chance to properly gauge her ability--she supposed it'd be alright to play along.

The little girl raised an eyebrow as Grell led them to the tavern, glancing up at him. She'd never been permitted to indulge in meals, and right now she was being given an invite.

"Ah! Wow! But..." Riful glanced down at her clothing, frowning. "Your daughter's dress, I don't want to ruin it."

She always remembered her manners, after all. So many others, especially young people, had a habit of forgetting them.


chainsaw_juliet September 22 2008, 14:36:09 UTC
"I don't care very much about good or bad people, but let's try to keep the killing within this part of town please?" Grell pouted at them. "Otherwise you'll get into trouble and it's a lot of fuss and bother little girls should not have to go through."

Giggling, he leaned down and kissed their cheeks just because he could. He lifted Riful into his arms, holding her close and pressing their noses together.
"It's alright, darling!" He soothed her with a toothy smile. "It's yours to dirty. I'll just spoil my daughter with a new dress afterwards."

Placing her back onto her feet, he ushered them towards the tavern like a father would usher his children to school.
"Have lots and lots of fun, sweethearts! I'm going to be right here making sure your new dresses don't get dirty so you have something clean to change into."

He sighed. Weren't they wonderful?


enchantingvoice September 23 2008, 00:39:11 UTC
Diva giggled. "I promise!" she said. She couldn't wait to try on her new dress.

Once inside the tavern, she waited in the shadows, looking around, deciding who would taste best. The fat man at the bar looked tasteless, and rather dirty. Some of the others were too skinny, they wouldn't be a good enough meal. She picked a man in the corner, drinking sullenly. He was better looking than most of the others. She approached him from behind, grabbed him, and pulled him against her. He was tall, but she could reach.

"You look delicious!" she whispered to him, and bit into his neck. She had been right. he was delicious.


rifulofthewest September 24 2008, 04:20:13 UTC
Riful nodded eagerly and skipped off, making her own observation of the now panicked, screaming crowd.

Unfortunately for them, Riful was not nearly as picky as Diva when it came to food. She could not transform, but that didn't matter. It never did when dealing with prey.

As she tore through the bodies of every terrified, shrieking human, bathing in their blood, burying her hands in their entrails, eating her fill until the very last of her quarry's heartbeats faded, she could not help but think of something funny, something someone had told her once before...perhaps Isley.

Only monsters understand other monsters.


enchantingvoice September 27 2008, 05:59:18 UTC
Diva licked the last traces of blood off of her lips, and dropped the man's body to the ground. She giggled, watching the crowd panic as Riful pounced on her prey. Diva skipped over to where Riful was devouring someone. She dipped her finger into the blood on the ground, and licked it.



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