So, I tried to be like you~

Sep 03, 2008 02:50

WHO: Denzel Strife [strongatheart], T-Bag [incestbaby], Kagari [imurvixen], Spider-Man [5pider_man], Poison Ivy [kiss_you_deadly] & OPEN.
WHAT: Funds are low, which means there's no place to go.
WHERE: The Park, but more specifically.. the playground. [Bring on the cliche~]
WHEN: Day 158, evening.

And I got swept away. )

Ω spider-man/peter parker, place - park, Ω poison ivy, Ω theodore 't-bag' bagwell, Ω kagari, ! side plot, Ω denzel strife

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Comments 32

incestbaby September 3 2008, 11:05:10 UTC
Susan was difficult to keep under control. Within days, her body was deteriorating, and the smell was becoming too much. T-bag often went to the market, paying stops by the apothecary to pick up herbs, spices. Sometimes a pit stop at a florist. He'd scatter it all around her bed, her body, trying to preserve it as best as he could. The smell was almost bearable some nights.

He was not exactly sure what else to do with her other than kiss her, touch her, make her feel more alive. Susan was the only thing he focused on in this island even with Michael Scofield running around with that anteater fellow.

T-bag needed to get out.

Needed fresh air, and not perfume mixing in with decomposition.

Walking, walking, walking until his feet began to hurt, and his back began to ache. Ironically, all this walking landed him in the playground where proud parents or guardians brought the younger citizens to play. Young people that landed him in jail, took him away from Ms. Hollander, a chance at a normal life. T-bag kicked the Earth.

"Water walkin ( ... )


strongatheart September 3 2008, 11:20:35 UTC
Denzel was still new to this place. He had no idea who was good or who was bad, who to trust. He was still a kid which should have meant he gave out trust all too easily. The way he had been forced to live at such a young age made him otherwise though. He wanted to trust people, to believe there was good in them, because in bad times he had seen the heroics that people could do. Even still, he was not naive ( ... )


incestbaby September 5 2008, 03:04:53 UTC
The evening was quiet, too quiet, and he knew there had to be more to it than meets the eye. There were always people walking along the cobblestone streets. There were always people either like him or Susan out at this time of night. Not like T-bag was purposefully looking for company, but company other than a corpse would be soothing for his diminishing sanity.

He stood still, straining to hear something, anything. The tiniest breath, the tiniest shuffle, and there was almost nothing for a while. The city noises drowning out anything small and significant. He got off the play set, stepping out, taking a few steps forward before turning around.


Through the darkness, he could see it. A small huddled shape on top of the slide.

He smiled.

"What have we here?"


strongatheart September 5 2008, 03:15:54 UTC
He was too busy trying not to be noticed to see the two people conversing on the rooftops nearby. Denzel steadied his breathing and dropped his arms from around his knees. It seemed like things were going smooth and soon enough the guy would get bored and leave. Right?


The boy followed him with his eyes as he moved and when he had been noticed, his eyes widened a little. Just slightly but enough. Denzel backed out of his small space and got to his feet and stared down at the stranger. He was skeptical, as always. He didn't have a reason to bolt yet though and so, he stood his ground.

His eye brows drew inward and he looked like he was sizing him up. Back to his street smarts, no doubt about that.

If the man wanted a greeting, he probably wouldn't get one.


imurvixen September 4 2008, 02:32:58 UTC
From a rooftop Kagari watched the two draw closer, curious if they knew each other.

The only reason she was out this late anymore was because she had long since grown tired of the stone city, longing to spend time out in the jungle again. But that was a desperate wish that would never be fulfilled, as dangerous as it was anymore.

She laid down on the side and watched them, the only interesting thing going on right now. The play of their shadows in the moonlight was all she could tell from this distance.

Claws... need trimming, I think, she mumbled to herself.


5pider_man September 4 2008, 22:09:06 UTC
Patrolling the city was familiar, a comfortable pasttime in an uncomfortable setting. Spider-Man leapt from rooftop to rooftop, none quite tall enough to enable webslinging. That was okay, though. Shorter buildings made for shorter jumps and easier pit stops.

So when he saw what looked like a woman lying along one of the buildings near the park, he had to stop and check it out.

"What's new, pussycat?" he tried, crouching next to her and trying not to surprise her too much. "You're no Black Cat, but close enough, I guess."


imurvixen September 4 2008, 22:18:43 UTC
"My fur is very white, in fact," Kagari retorted before inclining her head to the park. "I'm people-watching."

She waved a hand to include the whole setting. "I like the grass and trees best in all of the rock and buildings." Then she pointed to the two people. "And that child reminds me of my boi, meeting with his father, the demonspawn that the man became." It would have been a little like foreshadowing, if she knew T-Bag from any other monkey-ear on the street.

Then she turned back to the being that had joined her. "What are you?"


5pider_man September 4 2008, 22:50:48 UTC
"Your boy?" So she was a mother? Hmm. Spidey wasn't really sure what to say to that. "Not exactly on good terms with the ex, then."

What was he? Under the mask, he smirked. "I'm a who, not a what, but if you must know..." He bowed his head and extended his palm in mock formality.

"Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, at your service."


imurvixen September 4 2008, 23:04:13 UTC
"That is a very long name," Kagari remarked, squinting at him. "You don't look like a normal monkey-ear to me..." She looked up and down at his outfit. "Your skin is two- no, three different colors..."

She reached up to grab his hand and shook it. "I am Kagari, a Ribika from Kira." It was how the monkey-ears greeted each other, after all - or so Sezero had told her.

Then her ears perked up. "Ex? What does 'ex' mean?" The sound meant nothing to her.


kiss_you_deadly September 5 2008, 18:18:35 UTC
Ivy hadn't been too sure what had given her the compulsion to leave the comfort of the jungle and meander aimlessly through the streets of Rivelata. Curiosity, perhaps. Maybe even boredom. Whatever the case, she'd found herslf enjoying the late-night walk much more than she might have when within Gotham's city walls.

Rivelata was so much more dignified. Simplistic, with an air of times long past. It lacked much of the technology and "creativity" that made Gotham so ugly and, unlike the big cities of the world, Rivelata flowed with the landscape rather than marred it. While she certainly wasn't overtly fond of Rivelata, it was better than Gotham. Anything was better than Gotham.

The park here, she found, was especially beautiful. So much of the natural life had been preserved here, and was healthy. Vivid. Stirring with life. A touch here, a gentle, motherly caress there, perhaps a few whispered sweet-nothings; she would gift more life. Precious. Embracing ( ... )


incestbaby September 5 2008, 20:35:01 UTC
Another intrusion, a feminine voice. T-bag suppressed a scowl, turning in the direction of the woman. An exceptionally gorgeous, curvaceous woman with tinted skin. He smiled, tipping his hat like a Southern gentleman.

"My apologies, ma'am. I meant no ill intentions toward the lad," he purred convincingly. He was a beautiful liar. "Company is hard to come by these days."


strongatheart September 5 2008, 21:48:19 UTC
He needed to pay closer attention, apparently, because someone else stepped out of the darkness. A woman. A green woman. Denzel took a few more steps back on the playset, backing away from the both of them. He should have stayed in whatever building he could worm himself into.

His gaze flicked between the two, watching their interactions silently. He had no real way of knowing if it was a lie from the man, if he should be afraid of him or the woman, or both. However, the female did seem to be taking his side of things.

That was something, wasn't it?

"I .. I have to go now." He told them, before turning on his heel and heading away. Denzel reached the end of the playset and hopped off. Go where? He wondered to himself with a sigh and a glance laced with worry over his shoulder.


kiss_you_deadly September 6 2008, 20:22:16 UTC
Unfortunately for the man, Poison Ivy had long gotten over trusting men. They were vile, disgusting creatures, only useful as a means to an end. She'd sooner use him than trust him; wrap him around her pretty finger and snap his back when his usefulness ran out.

"My apologies, darling," Ivy cooed seductively, raising her hand to her chest in an apologetic manner, and her fingertips gently caressed the soft skin above her breasts. She was not going out of her way to be overtly physically sexual; it was a subtle thing. Second nature, almost.

Her fingers strayed into her ivy-laced hair as she turned her head to watch the boy take off and then, smiling, turned back to the man. "You must forgive my assumptions. Where I come from, these situations aren't entirely favorable. I can only hope he'll find his way back home safely."


imurvixen September 11 2008, 13:18:03 UTC
Kagari passed by the boy as he was leaving, giving him a passing smile as she did so, hoping he'd make it home wherever he was going okay.

The male and female were of greater interest to her. The green female was of interest. She started walking up, then leaped into a nearby tree so as to hear the conversation continue. It didn't rustle that loudly at all, as good a climber as Kagari was and how much more used to forest-type trees she was than jungle-type.

She was watching the interaction with great interest, gradually realizing the shift in tone. Is this the sort of thing Sezero would enjoy?


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