Scrub-a-dub-dub three men in a... [Closed, In progress]

Aug 20, 2008 10:00

Who: House (causticguy), Allen Walker (antiakuma), and Daisya Barry (sh_hereisgone).
What: A practical joke gone wrong, an impromptu maid service call, and the collision course thereof.
Where: House and Daisya's house.
When: Shortly after this (backlogged a bit).

There were eight boxes of soap flakes dissolved in the barrel of water… )

Ω daisya barry, Ω allen walker, Ω gregory house

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Comments 11

antiakuma August 20 2008, 15:33:33 UTC
Normally, Allen wouldn't allow himself to be dragged into cleaning up someone else's mess, however he was making an exception based on two facts.

One, he had effectively given House an open favour to call in whenever he wished. (Allen didn't think something so trivial really counted, but he would do it all the same.)

And two, because he knew he was taking any opportunity to not sit by himself and think. He wanted the distraction wherever possible.

It had dawned on Allen, as he made his way through the streets, that he'd never actually been to the Doctor's place before but he did remember it being pointed out to him all the same. He also remembered being told not to tell anyone the location because House didn't like visitors.

And who in their right mind would go against someone with a cane?

As he let a few light knocks fall on the front door, the Exorcist stared up slowly at the building, figuring it couldn't be anywhere near as bad as the Doctor had made it out to be...


causticguy August 21 2008, 12:57:25 UTC
"Studs n' Suds Emporium," House announced as he pulled open the door with a flourish to display the ever-lengthening foamy white snake of bubbles that was now wending its way towards the living room. "Hope you brought your Speedo. I bet the patrons will just love scantily clad dancing boys." The look on his face, which was a lot closer to glowering than the sound of his words, gave away his sarcasm, but it was a close thing.

He actually was grateful that Allen had been willing to come help him. Even if a wall of soap bubbles was not as impenetrable as, say, the thicket of briars around Sleeping Beauty's castle, House didn't much like his luck of making it up the stairs under the current weather conditions. And while it was true that the suds would eventually recede on their own, there really wasn't much way of predicting just how much of the house they'd fill first, if left to simply run their course ( ... )


antiakuma August 22 2008, 20:39:50 UTC
Okay. So... he stood corrected.

Allen gave House an odd look, then the large mass of foam behind him an equally perplexed look before returning it once again to the Doctor before sighing. He made a mental note then and there never to underestimate Dr. House's abilities, whatever area they may be in.

"Darn," he said as he snapped his fingers for extra effect "You know, I didn't. And that had been the last thing I asked myself before leaving the house earlier, too."

Carefully, he moved to step inside the door, glancing up at House as he did so.

"I suppose first thing is first... Is it wishful thinking to assume you have a mop somewhere around here?"


causticguy August 24 2008, 13:47:37 UTC
First thing House had learned about this place when he'd taken it over-aside from the fact that the upstairs windows were apparently roof accessible-was that you could find just about anything you wanted down in the basement where the last residents had exercised their packrat proclivities to an impressive (and frankly off-putting) degree. He hadn't seen a mop down there, but it stood to reason that there was one. On the other hand, they might have drowned in bubbles before they found it.

"Not gonna do you much good," he told Allen. "Dry ice means the bubbles will multiply faster than you could mop them." What they needed was to get to the source, stop the proverbial cauldron from boiling over more than it had already done. How exactly they were meant to do that was still an open question.


antiakuma August 24 2008, 15:14:35 UTC
At the first sound of House disapproving of the idea Allen paused, half glancing over his shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow while he listened to him speak. Sighing, he carefully moved further inside the building, trying to tell where the foam was coming from.

"And what were you doing with dry ice, I wonder," He commented in a sly, amused kind of tone as he braced one hand against the wall, trying not to slip on anything as he looked back at House once more and grinned "I won't tell anyone. I'm just curious what practical joke of yours went wrong, especially if I'm helping to clear it up. You said you grew out of troublemaking after all."

Damn, there really were a lot of bubbles...


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