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Comments 24

walker_dog August 14 2008, 23:20:36 UTC
A while of tracking and observing, and the Dog had found herself outside the Library, where - if she was right (she was fairly certain she was) - this Byakuya fellow worked during the day.

And really, wasn't it just an odd and interesting coincidence? She had been born in a Library, after all - a much larger, grander, and probably decidedly more dangerous one than this (though it was her opinion that all Libraries - especially those that were denoted with that characteristic capital letter - possessed a certain amount of danger, be it physical or no) - and found herself quite at home slipping through the stacks. Unnoticed, too, which was probably to her advantage here, as she imagined most caretakers would not be overly pleased by the presence of a good-sized dog in their library.

Still, she had to do something, so she made her way silently into the Library and threaded carefully through the shelves, nose to the ground and ears pricked for the sounds of any unwanted attention ( ... )


captbetterthanu August 14 2008, 23:31:23 UTC
Byakuya had seen the dog approach out of the corner of his eye, but he paid no mind to it. It wasn't causing trouble, just watching him (probably wanted attention as most animals do), so Byakuya decided to let it be for now.

Adjusting his clothes slightly, he'd run out of yukatas to wear and they needed to be washed so he wore his Rivelatan clothes for today, he began his trek down the next aisle, rearranging and shelving misplaced or checked in books. Mohinder had been right, despite how few people came in, the library always managed to get messy throughout the day.

He then noticed the dog was still with him, watching him with its tail wagging. His eyes softened slightly, but what could he do? Byakuya was not one to talk to any animals, let alone a dog who decided that the captain was interesting.

Byakuya continued his work, letting the dog wander around him and watch him.


walker_dog August 15 2008, 02:06:52 UTC

Well, so much for that - although, in hindsight, perhaps she should have expected that a man of the sort of character who would run out on someone so clearly devoted to him might not be the type to suddenly bare his soul to a strange animal.

Of course, now this was a more interesting challenge. Instead of mildly following, tail wagging, the Dog now began to circle around Byakuya, bumping against his legs, even weaving between them when he walked. Years of experience had taught her just how to make herself more obnoxious than was really necessary.

Pay attention to me! her every action screamed. Aren't I simply the most lovable thing you've ever seen?


captbetterthanu August 15 2008, 02:28:21 UTC
No, she was not lovable and yes she was obnoxious.

Refraining from rolling his eyes, he looked to the dog. "Not one to be ignored now, are you?"

Placing the book Byakuya had in his arms onto the shelf, still not in the right place but at the moment he wasn't going to bother with it, fully regarding the dog below him, staring up at him.

She was a beautiful dog, Byakuya would give her that, but that still gave him no clue as to what to do with her. And she obviously wanted something from him.

"What is it?" Byakuya asked softly.


walker_dog August 17 2008, 07:45:13 UTC
Well, she had his attention, at least. That much was something.

The Dog sat - rather more gracefully than she would have normally, or than her previous actions would have implied that she could, but something told her that grace and poise counted for a lot with this man - curling her tail around her feet and gazing steadily up at him.

"You left a man," she said simply, already braced for the inevitable backlash that came with the presence of a talking dog. Of course, if she was reading him right, it wouldn't faze him - or, if it did, he would be careful not to let it show. Just like he wasn't showing anyone how much leaving must have hurt him. It must have. "A man who loved you - who still does."

"I want to know why."


captbetterthanu August 17 2008, 16:18:11 UTC
It surprised him only slightly that this dog began speaking to him, his eyebrows raising slightly being the only sign, but it was what she said that had him raising the wall.

Byakuya knew he didn't have to answer her, it was really none of her business. And it was obviously she had visited Renji, or else she would not have shown up here, asking for answers.

"Renji did not tell you why?"


walker_dog August 17 2008, 20:25:05 UTC
She considered her answer for a moment. His guard was already up, there was no mistaking that - the way he had subtly dodged her question, wanting to make her reveal how much she really knew. Which, of course, was not much. But she was willing to think - even if she might be wrong - that even if she knew the exact particulars of the situation, she would be here, anyway. Her instinct had drawn her here, the instinct to protect and preserve that which was...pure, perhaps, was the right word. And good.

"He broke a promise to you," she conceded, "and for you to leave, probably a very important one."

"But he has repented, has he not? And displayed just how much he cares for you? Do these things count for so little, that you would leave him in such suffering?"


captbetterthanu August 17 2008, 20:48:14 UTC
"Whether he has repented or not is not my concern," he replied. "It is rather... surprising how much he knows of me. How much he was able to learn from our short time together. And it is because of this, I find it hard to believe that the depth of his caring as true."

Byakuya was not one to say much, but this dog was smart and wise, not to mention that she was willing to go not one but two strangers for their own problems. It was humbling, really. Had he just arrived in Rivelata, Byakuya would not have given her the time of day.

But being with Renji changed him. Whether for good or bad... well, that was for another time.

"He knows my past, what has happened before... had he really cared, I don't think he would have broken his promise," Byakuya sighed lightly. "He suffers due to his own choices."

There was more to it than what Byakuya let on, but he barely revealed his own feelings to Renji, why would he bare his heart, his own insecurities, and his own reasons for his break up to a stranger?


walker_dog August 17 2008, 21:13:51 UTC
"People make bad choices," the Dog replied simply. "But it is how they atone for those choices that define who they really are."

She cocked her head to the side, studying Byakuya. There was much more to him than met the eye, that much was perfectly clear. And for Renji to have learned so much, as Byakuya himself had admitted - well, that itself was a sign of the 'depth of his caring', as Byakuya had put it. Being able to peer through the walls Byakuya had carefully erected, to see who he was - truly - was a testament to just how much Renji had invested in this relationship.

"He is proud," she said. "A man like that, willingly appearing different, coming from the background - admittedly, what little I know of it - that he did...he has to be. And yet, to win you back, to prove to you how honestly sorry he was - he displayed himself on the journals, for all to see. Made himself the most vulnerable he ever could...and all for you. You do not think this indicates a degree of caring beyond what you know?"


captbetterthanu August 17 2008, 21:25:53 UTC
She had a point. It caught him off guard, momentarily lowering his guard.

Byakuya knew it took a lot for Renji to admit all that on the journals. It was one thing to be proud of a relationship (no matter how crudely he had written it before, until Byakuya finally told him to stop) but it was another to admit you had wronged.

It was different, he supposed, when someone else pointed it out as well. And now, it was all up to Byakuya to do something.

"It indicates it very well," Byakuya answered softly, almost whispering.


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