Otae adjusted her sheer bikini skirt as she walked towards the set location. She did in fact find her swim suit and the matching cover up skirt. For a cover top, she just wore a jacket that zipped up in the front. It was a change from her typical kinomo or yukata.
This was a pleasant way to explore this unknown city with (hopefully good) company. Chocolate color eyes scanned the area looking for someone dressed in beach wear.
”hmm…I didn’t get her name… I guess I could just ask around” The young woman shifted the bag on her shoulder as she walked up to the pub.
Rikku, pushing her various tiny braids out of her face, continued to look around for someone who looked like she was coming towards Bardo's. She adjusted her bikini top casually. She was wearing her usual outfit, her bikini with a tiny denim skirt to cover her bottom half off. Not really caring about showing off her stomach, she didn't bother to get any clothes to throw over.
Her green orbs continued to scan the various people walking in, out, and past the pub, not sure who she was looking for. Being slightly short, she hopped up in the air, spotting someone with a bag on her shoulder. Deciding it wouldn't hurt to try, she called out to her.
"You going to the beach?" Rikku called out, her voice soft and slightly high-pitched.
“To catch a glance of a see monster” Otae smiled at the other girl as she made her way over. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name earlier, I’m Shimura Otae.”
Rikku grinned happily, her right hand waving enthousastically towards the female. "I'm Rikku. Nice to meetcha'!" She exclaimed eagerly, bouncing back and forth on her two feet, looking around. "Lets go to the beach!" She said suddenly, starting to run, for a few fleeting seconds, towards the general direction of the beach.
Comments 43
This was a pleasant way to explore this unknown city with (hopefully good) company. Chocolate color eyes scanned the area looking for someone dressed in beach wear.
”hmm…I didn’t get her name… I guess I could just ask around” The young woman shifted the bag on her shoulder as she walked up to the pub.
Her green orbs continued to scan the various people walking in, out, and past the pub, not sure who she was looking for. Being slightly short, she hopped up in the air, spotting someone with a bag on her shoulder. Deciding it wouldn't hurt to try, she called out to her.
"You going to the beach?" Rikku called out, her voice soft and slightly high-pitched.
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