Makeover makeover!

Jun 07, 2008 13:13

WHO: Oriya Mibu and Hitachiin Kaoru
WHAT: Oriya finally gets his new kimono.
WHERE: Eagles Splendor
WHEN: Day 75, morning.


Ω hitachiin kaoru, Ω oriya

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Comments 4

poetryinfashion June 7 2008, 18:38:16 UTC
Kaoru was a little surprised to see someone dressed as Oriya was enter the store. It brought back memories of when he'd first met Kurama so long ago...

"Irasshaimase!" Kaoru called as he walked over to stand in front of Oriya. "Welcome to Eagle's Splendour!" He bowed low to the customer. "My name is Hitachiin Kaoru. How can I help you today?"

Kaoru was, unfortunately, not dressed in a very Japanese manner, but he had all of the mannerisms. If that wasn't enough to convince Oriya...


sakura_sheath June 7 2008, 19:52:39 UTC
Oriya knew his own kind when he saw them, even if they didn't fit the profile of the general asian population- his own best friend having silver eyes and platinum hair. Oriya was the picture of Japanese beauty and tradition, a good look to have in his line of work. His dark eyes a perfect almond shape and his thick and glossy black-brown hair fell to the back of his thighs when untied.
His facial features were strong, with a kitsune-like sharpness and charm. Oriya had inspired kimono-makers in modern Japan, and hadn't had to actually commission a kimono in years.

Holding himself proud and tall despite his rather ragged and threadbare kimono, he nodded to the boy with a smile and light bow. "I was referred here by a man named 'Kuja' a while back, I'm looking to commission a wardrobe. A traditional Japanese one, mind you." He tapped at full lips with a finger, gazing over the walls with curiousity.
"I'm opening a business rather soon, and it's important I look my best."


poetryinfashion June 13 2008, 21:48:28 UTC
Word was starting to get around, that much Kaoru was beginning to realize.

He nodded and smiled at Oriya. "Kuja is a fine patron indeed to have recommended you. How soon are you planning on opening? I'm worried that I won't have enough time to assemble a wardrobe appropriate for such an event..."

The truth was Kaoru had plenty of silk lying around these days - word had gotten around that the twins could produce Japanese-style clothing and they'd made a point to acquire a great deal of it. Then there was the fact that they were one of the few businesses not ravaged by the fires.


sakura_sheath July 10 2008, 16:13:38 UTC
"We open when everything is ready. The date isn't set in stone." A smirk to the boy. One of Oriya's arms rested in the front of his kimono, in a traditionally casual fashion. Despite the beginning of his new business- he was relaxed. It felt good to be doing something with himself again.

"I'd prefer sooner than later, but quality is more important than speed." A glance around the shop again. "From what I can see, and what I know- you're more than capable. I know there isn't an economy in this place, but you will be more than compensated for your labor and hard work."


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