[closed thread]

Mar 02, 2008 11:32

WHO: Zidane and Kuja.
WHAT: Brotherly reunion! (Sorta.)
WHERE: The docks.
WHEN: Shortly after Kuja's arrival.

Maybe some part of him was just happy that his older brother was alive after all. )

place - docks, kuja, Ω zidane tribal

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Comments 21

de_novo_xiii March 2 2008, 11:54:34 UTC
He hated this place already. There was too much ocean and too much sky and not enough land. There were too many people. There were too many happy people and he was fed up being filthy and fed up feeling miserable.

Yes he had split ends and broken nails, but what he hadn't wanted to reveal in the journal now that he had discovered it wasn't private... Was that he was scared Zidane had replied. Perhaps it was just a cruel joke because a villain like him should never be given hope at all ( ... )


waywardwings March 2 2008, 12:14:45 UTC
Zidane released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. After everything that had happened, the only thing the pair of them could manage was the exchange of a couple of awkward words. He felt so relieved - beyond relieved, overwhelmed - and that was it. He didn't know what he'd been expecting, but... what was there to say?

He shook his head, deciding he was thinking things over too much. This really did seem to be Kuja, and that was all that mattered. Zidane seated himself on the bench beside him to recover from the run, watching as if Kuja might disappear the moment he took his eyes off him.

"Sorry about... you know," he gestured lamely to the journal on his lap, "I was kind of cold before. I didn't know whether to think it was you or not."


de_novo_xiii March 2 2008, 12:31:42 UTC
"What? Oh." Kuja blinked, following the gesture to look at his journal. He wrinkled his nose. "When someone replied to what I wrote, I thought it absurd. When you replied, I thought, 'well could it get any weirder than my brother wondering if I'm dead?'"

He could feel the heat of his body so close to him. He was real, not the trappings of a frenzied mind trying to fabricate something to cling to. His fingertips twitched and he edged his hand ever so slightly to the left. His pinky lightly bumped Zidane's hand.

Inside, the knot of anxiety slowly unwound itself. Safe.

"So," Kuja smiled weakly, "what's a genome got to do around here before he gets a decent shower and some clothes?"


waywardwings March 2 2008, 12:59:56 UTC
If Zidane minded the contact, he didn't show it. He'd been alone for so long in a place of unfamiliar faces, frantically trying to find a way back. But now he suddenly had someone... even if that someone was supposed to be dead, and it would make being stuck here so much more easier. Bearable.

Being alone really was a horrible feeling.

"Nothing, actually," he replied, looking a little more at ease and leaning back on the bench. "The Queen of this place told all the locals to hand out stuff for free. You can just go in a shop and help yourself, pretty much, and there are empty houses around you can just walk in and take."


de_novo_xiii March 2 2008, 13:12:45 UTC
"Well that's...odd." Kuja blinked, tilting his head. "Surely someone's protested against such charity?" He gave a little laugh, shaking his head.

"I'm hardly in a position to test the boundaries of such charity anyway, so don't answer that." He took a cue from him, leaning back against the bench before tilting his head to gaze up at the sky.

"This place. Everything is so foreign. Everything just happened so fast." He looked at his brother. "How long were you here for before I came?"

He had forgotten everything else for the moment- no split ends or broken nails or tattered clothing. Kuja was next to his brother. That was all that mattered, despite the thousands of questions he fumbled desperately to answer.


waywardwings March 2 2008, 13:28:19 UTC
"The people here are... weird," Zidane decided to answer anyway, absently mussing his blond hair with a gloved hand, watching people pass by. "They love their Queen, and they'd happily do anything she says."

He had to think for a moment at Kuja's second question. "Over a week." He wasn't too sure about the exact number of days, since things had become so normal and routine, but he had a vague idea. "I've been trying to find a way out with other people, but not much luck so far."


de_novo_xiii March 2 2008, 21:56:40 UTC
Kuja stood as well, huffing indignantly and putting his hands on his hips. "I will not sleep in these clothes. I'm going to firaga them the moment I get a new set."

He stopped his ranting, blinking at his brother before tilting his head. "Can I even cast in this place?"

And then a more important question hit him.
"Where am I meant to sleep?"


waywardwings March 2 2008, 22:29:35 UTC
"Oh, yeah, about that. Magic doesn't work here," Zidane began, looking a little uneasy as if expecting Kuja to take the news badly. He did, after all, seem to be rather attached to his magic. "Neither does Trance, probably. Anything like that doesn't work whatsoever, although I'm not sure why."

He gestured for Kuja to follow him, and set off back towards the city outskirts. "Like I said, there's lots of houses around you can just take for yourself, or you can stay at an inn for free. Or," he glanced over his shoulder, eyes searching Kuja's expression, "I have my own place you could stay at if you wanted." It was probably too presumptious of him, and maybe it sounded a little pathetic and clingy, but right now, Zidane didn't really care.


de_novo_xiii March 2 2008, 23:43:48 UTC
"What?!" He snapped, looking at his own hands. "No magic?!" Kuja groaned, burying his face in his palms and heaving a dramatic sigh. "Well. I won't tempt fate by exclaiming it couldn't get any worse- it probably could."

He walked beside him, carefully taking in the sights and sounds of this strange world they had both been spirited to. The architecture was beautiful enough, and he fancied the fashion everyone wore.

Kuja tried to hide the spark of enthusiasm in his eyes at the offer. Yes in the morning he'd probably march off and claim a house that would be reasonably beautiful but for now...

"If you've a decent shower at your apartment, I will gladly take you up on that offer."


waywardwings March 3 2008, 21:41:02 UTC
To use Kuja's own words from a completely different time and place ago, Zidane was 'too stupid' to use magic, so the block in place was no great loss for him. And it probably made everyone here a hell of a lot less dangerous, Kuja included in that. Not that he didn't trust him, but-- It was complicated. Anything could happen here.

Unlike him, however, Zidane seemed to show a bored disinterest for the city and the inhabitants. If he stayed in one place for too long, he simply became restless. He'd always enjoyed his stays in Lindblum with Tantalus, but that was an interesting city, full of life and familiarity, not the dead eyes of the locals here or the irritating Queen.

He studied Kuja's expression closely, as if expecting sarcasm or similiar. He seemed satisfied enough that his response was genuine, because he grinned and said haughtily, "There's a bath, if it's good enough for your highness."


de_novo_xiii March 3 2008, 23:24:57 UTC
He didn't know exactly where Zidane lived, so he was content in implanting a visual map of the town into his mind. It was beautiful here. It could have been much much worse.

There were other people milling about looking just as lost as he was. He half wondered how they would fare- he was luckier than most since he had found someone he knew.

The temperature had dropped as the evening began to set in. He quickened his pace, walking briskly to catch up with his brother whilst rubbing his upper arms in an attempt to warm himself.

Without thinking, his tail curled around his brother's.


waywardwings March 4 2008, 23:48:45 UTC
Zidane almost jumped - almost, but remembered himself in time, merely glancing across to Kuja inquisitively. Although he didn't pull away, someone touching his tail was like some unspoken taboo. It was like touching a moogle's pom-pom; simply something one did not do. Not because Zidane decided it to be so, but because other people seemed to be instinctively wary of it. Instictive knowledge it was proof of his otherworldly origins ( ... )


de_novo_xiii March 5 2008, 00:36:17 UTC
Despite the evening chill, a blush flushed his pale skin. Kuja pouted, ducking his head.
"I have not!" He retorted, "It has a mind of its own. You would know that, you've got one too."

It was a weak defence, surely, one that Zidane could easily spot the holes in. Kuja relaxed, looking up at the first few stars that had begun to twinkle.
"I've...I'm not angry anymore. It's nice, you know? There isn't this burning feeling in my chest driving me insane."

He looked at his hands, brows creased.
"A part of me is gone, but I don't miss it. It's left me with a lot of...empty spaces in my heart, but ones I wouldn't mind trying to learn to fill with...with other emotions."

Kuja's high cheekbones were rosy now, and he was cross with himself for being so open with his feelings. Solitude could do that to you, he realized. No one had ever listened to him pour out his heart. No one thought he had one.

"I still can't understand why you've been so nice to me so far. You could've just pretended I wasn't here."


waywardwings March 5 2008, 20:26:11 UTC
Zidane delicately unwound his tail from the other Genome's, pretending to be interested in the street more than Kuja's embarrassment. He couldn't help but smile a little at it, though; he'd never seen Kuja flustered like that before.

He noticed they were entering a more familiar area, now, and he was sure it wasn't far to go til they'd reach the apartment. "You say it like I had a choice. I could've, just like I could've ignored you when I realised you were still alive in the Iifa Tree. But I couldn't. I couldn't just leave you there when there was a chance to help you. It's just how I am.

"Look at it like the Black Mages. They did what they were created for, like you. But it doesn't make them any less people. Now they're free, they just want to enjoy what they have, even if they don't always understand life. But they're learning. Me and Vivi... we got lucky. We got away from what we were made for and found our own purposes," Zidane paused, letting what he said sink in before he continued. He looked past Kuja to the fading light of ( ... )


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