Night Watch and a Trip in the Market [Open, Incomplete]

May 17, 2008 19:49

Who: Maximum Ride (nixe_eva), Comatose Danny Fenton halfa_ghost), and anyone she happens to pass/meet in the market
What: A Night Vigil then Shopping
Where: House #330, Market District
When: Midnight, then ~10:00a.m.

It was another nearly sleepless night, followed by a trip in the marketplace. )

Ω hiruma youichi, Ω danny fenton, Ω maximum ride, Ω zach bosch, Ω sam winchester, Ω dean winchester, place - boardwalk

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Comments 18

ribellarsi May 19 2008, 01:46:28 UTC
Sam was going stir-crazy. He needed to get shit done. That was what kept him sane, kept the nightmares at bay, kept him going. But here. There was nothing to get done. Too much to figure out to get anything done, anyway. It was a vicious cycle that all came down to Sam being driven out of his fucking mind.

"Dean, you know what, I'll meet you there, okay? Use that map Claire made to find the boardwalks," Sam called up the stairs before walking out the door, counting on his brother to make it there. He was tough.

Sam stuffed his hands in his pockets, thankful for the fact that he wore several thousand layers because it meant that he hadn't had to resort to using the insane period-wear that some others had.

The wind shifted slightly, making the trees ruffle, the tide shift a little. This place was about as predictable as the weather and Sam hated it. Ghosts, anything was all about patterns. It was all just one end of the big equation. But here. It was like trying to figure out where a tornado was going to touch ( ... )


canecieco May 19 2008, 02:09:44 UTC
Of course, his dumb ass baby brother would go off on his own. Dean grumbled curses, shrugging on his leather jacket despite how hot it was outside. He couldn't go far without that thing, especially nowadays when he needed something to remind him of home. Tucked a gun in the waistband of his jeans, a knife in his boot, and he was ready to rock and roll (can never be too prepared).

It took him a while to find his way to the boardwalks even with Claire's map. Dean didn't do maps well. He always gave them to Sam instead of figuring them out for himself. The older brother preferred finding ways on his own, following the signs, other cars, landmarks, and his gut, but there was nothing to follow here. Just a bunch of confusing shit, confusing fancy buildings with fancy people walking around.

He finally arrived, jogging to catch up with his gigantic brother and whoever he was talking to.

"Hey," he joined the crew for their little 'library trip'.


fuckingdevilbat May 19 2008, 02:28:14 UTC
Hiruma made sure that Amdusias was tied up properly and that Apep was locked tightly in the glass case that he had gotten for her. Normally, he would have brought her. He had taken to carrying the snake around his neck and arm. But, eh... He didn't need to scare Max at the time.

He grabbed a couple of steaks from the butcher on the way to the boardwalk for Amdusias. He then made it to the boardwalk and looked around for Max and the fucking detective, as well as what Hiruma could only assume was his brother. He stuck a piece of gum in his mouth and started chewing.

And then he saw Max with the other men, and walked over to join them, grin huge and toothy, "Oi, fucking detective! How goes the investigation? Kekeke."

.... Aaand, there was Zach, whose presence Hiruma chose to ignore.


nixe_eva May 19 2008, 02:44:49 UTC
Max was dressed in her usual. The loose hoodie covered and sign of her wings. Her backpack was slung over one shoulder. She looked slender at her 5 foot eight inch stature, and looked very similar to an Olympic Swimmer. An Olympic Swimmer decked out in a sword, dagger, backpack, quiver and arrows, of course. But she didn't need weapons to fight anyways ( ... )


ribellarsi May 19 2008, 02:59:46 UTC
"Dean, Max. Max, Dean," Sam introduced them, throwing in a little be nice, she's important look towards Dean before turning to greet Hiruma and Zach, who was also too important to piss off. Sam smiled at Hiruma, ducking his head, "Going good, man, going good. Hopefully better once I get into the library."

It was sorta odd, knowing people. For more than a day, for longer than he had to after he found out whatever they knew. It was nice, but it was setting his nerves on edge, making him a little twitchy, a little paranoid.

Sam took in Zach, who sorta surprised him. He was pretty good with people, with reading their emotions; picking up their tells. But here was this guy, who had this huge personality on paper, scuffing his heels and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "And hey, Zach. Doing well?" He had to be comfortable. Honey gets you more bees, like they said.


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