darkknightfall wrote in
Sep 17, 2009 10:29
Jimmy. Peter. Meet me at the House as soon as possible.
[OOC: Yes, he's referring to the House of Heroes.]
Ω batman
darkknightfall wrote in
Aug 04, 2009 10:25
[The narrator's voice is that of Adam West, talking as Bruce quickly jots down a single word.]
It seems something is afoot! Robin, to the Ba--
[Aaaand the journal slams shut]
Ω batman
darkknightfall wrote in
Jul 27, 2009 16:47
Jimmy, Jilly, Giselle, Yoite.
Stevie hasn't woken up since last night.
No response to outward stimulus. I've tried various methods, including smelling salts. Nothing. His breathing and heart rate are normal.
I'll be taking him to the clinic.
Ω batman
darkknightfall wrote in
Jul 11, 2009 17:53
Yoite, Giselle, Stevie. Cassandra didn't come home last night. I'm going to go check with Jimmy and Parker. Don't go anywhere if you don't have to.
Ω batman
darkknightfall wrote in
Jun 22, 2009 00:10
Giselle, Yoite... Stevie, Cassandra, and I will be out more than usual for a while, but one of us will always stay at home with you.
Jimmy, Rogue, Max-- will any of you be needing help, or can you hold down your forts for a while?
Ω batman
darkknightfall wrote in
Apr 09, 2009 14:59
Now that all this madness is past and we can deal with this with a clear heads.
To those whom it may concern... Sora was murdered immediately preceding, during, or immediately after the tidal wave.
Ω batman