Mar 14, 2008 17:15
[entire entry unevenly written, some lines almost running into each other, as if he couldn't quite see what he was doing. also: all strikes illegible.]
You guys have been asking about where I am. We are.
But anyways, since I have nothing better to do because I'm kinda STUCK IN A CAVE WITH NOTHING TO DO, I figured I'd describe the place. Keep in mind that it's kinda dark here and I know vaguely where I am . . . But I was knocked out for about half of the journey so all I know is that it's a cave. Definitely, totally, for sure. But you knew that.
From one side to the other, this place is . . . About the size of a house? The cell's a lot smaller though. Bars, close together so that I can't squeeze out. Not that I would, because the grumpy guard would probably shoot me or something. The other guard was nicer though.
He got me a drink of water from the waterfall. It's across from the cell and I think it's about to drive me crazy! I mean, it's fine for a few hours . . . But after about a day it grates on you. Drippity, drip, drip . . . [frustrated scribbles]
Right. Back to the description. This place even has rooms, I think. It's not like the secret place kind of cave, Riku. Like a maze. Sometimes, light comes in from the ceiling and I can see that the ceilings are, like, really really super high.
Either side of the cell there's a torch to give light, but it's still pretty dark. I can hardly see the journal when I'm not near the torches. Oh! There's a pretty red crystal in the corner of the room too. It kinda makes the room look like when the alarms would go off at school and the room would be kinda red.
Maybe that's the crystal someone was talking about? I don't remember who though . . . Oh fishcakes. Well, I think that's pretty much everything I can see or I know about . . .
We're nowhere near the castle though. I know because when I was awake, I couldn't see lights at all.
Please come soon. Riku, I'm sorry. I want to go home. I hope that helps some! Oh and everyone? I'm fine. My friends Hakkai and Kura Shuuichi are taking care of me.
! main plot,
Ω sora